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� <br /> 16� <br /> July 14� 1947 , <br /> A regular r.ieeting of the �oard of Public Safety «as held on P,Tonday, <br /> July 14, 1947 at 10:00 A.S:i. All �ner.:bers r�ere present. T:inutes of the <br /> last neeting rrere read and Approved. Salas^,� claims in the anount o£ <br /> :�33,325.40 tirere approved and ordored paid: Claims oY the follov�in� <br /> suppliers in the amount of ;2507.85 irere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Charles DeVleeschoz�rer �'�` 6.00 Sheehan lire Service :�a 83.55 <br /> Clement Iiazinski 195.50 H, H. Slominski 100.00 <br /> G. :, i:ieyer & Son 1.25 South Bend Lumber Co. 1.05 <br /> ' ida� onal Fire Protection 10.00 South �end Supply Co. 3.60 <br /> St. Joseph� s Hospital 106.00 <br /> FIRL D�P�RTI�IdT: The resignation of Charle s DeVleesciiorrer as Chief of the <br /> Fire Department effective ;quC� 16, 1947, ti�ras made knorm to the i:oard and <br /> the appointment of �rthur Iiocrard as Chief� effective July 16� 1947 rras <br /> recognized. 3oth inen rrere present at the neetin�. <br /> Chief rioc�Jard t•ras �ranted »ernission to attend a I:unicipal Leagu.o <br /> I:?eetin� at Terre Haute on July 30 and nu�ust l� and Also an Interr.ational <br /> Fire Chiefs convent'3on in Idee� Yorl: Au�ust 19 to 21 inclusive. <br /> � The Board, upon the Chief� s reco::unendation, promoted Lieutenant <br /> John Odusch and Lieutenant George '�+itucl:i to Captains of the Fire <br /> Departr.ient ef£ective July 16� 1947. _ <br /> ��lpplications� for the rire Departr.�ent �•rere approved for Jacob Rex <br /> Harr.ion and Rorzan Roznanaki and r�ere ordered filed. <br /> I�enneth�Tubbs havir.� been pronounced_physically fit for active <br /> duty by both the City Doctor and the Doctor appointod by the Trustees <br /> of the Firemen' s Pension rund, and 'naving.been accepted by the Pension <br /> Fund, is hereby reinstated as a raember o£ the rire Departnent effective <br /> July 12, 1947 and is to report to the Chief for assign�ent to duty, <br /> 'Bmery Huszar havin� passed the physical exar:�inations given by ��e <br /> , City Doctor and tlie Doctor appointed by the Trustees of the Firei7en�s <br /> Pension Fund and having been accepted for ::iembership by the Firmen� s <br /> Pension Pund is no•�r anpointed to the Fire �Department for a six r.ionths <br /> probationary period beginnin� July 16, 1947. His salary is ,to oe that <br /> of tYie raen on a probationary Uasis. <br /> POLIC3 D�PI�RT::.�'I;T: Chief Lverett r�as prosent and r:atters pertainin� to <br /> his departtnent ti�ere discussed. <br /> This being the date set for receivin� bids for one �ullet Type <br /> Co�parison i::icroscope and one bid having been received said bid tiaas <br /> opened and read as follo�:sC <br /> r^aurot, Inc., 1 Bullet Co:aparison I.;icroscope, Bausch <br /> ;:e�v Yorl:, 7, A;.Y. and Lor�U, Conpl�te ti7ith ca^�era ;?799.00 <br /> suUject to standard .price at of delivery <br /> The board reJected the above bid because of tne esculator clause, and the <br /> Clerk of the Bo;r d rras directed �o purc:-iase a nicroscope on tho open rsarket. <br /> 4 bond for a speciAl police cor�.�ission ��ras approved and ordered <br /> £iled for Alonzo Poinde;:ter. <br /> c�o2321:,,. <br /> A petition v�AS approsred and handed to Chief �verett�Q;��tY�O g�,��e- <br /> or <br /> �ent o� parking restrictions in the follotiTin� describc"'ad��y,23a�vnt 702 <br /> Co:n.-iencing at the intersection of i;:ichi�an and 'i,:onroe S�'reets thence <br /> '.7est to tne intersection of Lar^ayette and i.ionroe pt��c�.,u�;tYy���glOe4,azth to__ <br /> the intersoction of LaFayette and S�aple Streets,���t;1e��t �p��j+��e�,i.r��pr- <br /> section oS Sar.iole and r^ra:�'clin �treets, thence South to ti�qlfirg�;r���i.� of <br /> rranklin and Broade�ay Streets, thence �ast to the intersection of Broadtray <br /> and I,:ichigan Streots� thonce Ilorth to tne place �£j�le�}���r��r ;, <br /> :021�o�7�3nI ori� 9� <br /> �LrCTRICAL D�PGRTI?�'riT: i.'.r. �dillia� C�ualls, Sup��n�gr�dg,gto„ 1��.,present and <br /> raatters pertainin� to his depArt�ent trere discussed; <br /> Upon the recor.�mendation of T1r. Oualls� the Bozrd approved the install- <br /> ation of a 1000 lu+:�en li�ht ttt tho intersection of Hor�ard and Talbot Streets <br /> and also the in�tallation of a 1000 lumen li�ht at i.Iilton and Columbia <br /> Streets and directed I.?r. �,ualls to order then in. <br />