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��� <br /> ?,Iid�rest rire 2;, Saiety Equip. A non-collu�ion affidavit and a <br /> Inciianapolis, Indiana bidder+ � bond ior y1,500.00 acco:npanied <br /> . . bid. <br /> 1 750 gallon ptunper semi-cab tir13,991.80 <br /> �,rith enclo�ed cab 14,247.�0 <br /> �•rith 7 man cab 14,744.�0 <br /> alternate bid <br /> 1 750 �;a11on pw;iper semi9cab • 12,734,�0 <br /> � i°rith enclosed. cab . 13,344,80 <br /> ' : ti•�ith 7 man cab 13,744,80 <br /> Delivery in 225 days . <br /> Seagrave Corporation A non-collusion a£fidavit and ccrtified <br /> Qhicago, Illindis checl: for �^500,00 accor.ipanied bid <br /> 1 ;�825 750 gallon nw:iper� canopy cab `,'y`14�230.50 <br /> F.Q.E, South Bend, delivery 1 year <br /> The above bids r�ere .tal.en u,-ideradvisement to be tabulated� and the <br /> a��rard :vill be made at a later date, <br /> POLICE DEPART;.4EIIT: Chief Bverett �ras present and r.iatters pertaining <br /> o s epar . en vrere discussed. <br /> A Special Police Cocnnission i�ras approved for Casir.ier S. J�nY,oti•rslii <br /> and vtas orclered 'neld Por bond. <br /> Applications for the Police Departnent rrere received and ordered filed <br /> from Charles Otto Teslia and Ed�^rard Josepn DudzinsYi. <br /> A apecial police bond rras approved and ordered £iled for Orton L. <br /> Dttnfee. <br /> , The Chief presented his report for the nonth of T:Iay, 1947. <br /> Officer Thonas 2lorrak having a,r,plied Sor retirenent pension to be- <br /> come effective July 1G, 1947, the Board approved his request to retire <br /> fror.i the Police Departr.ient. <br /> EL�CT�ICAL DEPA?�`it.iI:TI1^: A petition r�as received i•�ith 4II si�ner� askin� <br /> ior e ins a a ion of a street li�nt at t'.�e intersection of 1,teade and <br /> 2tapier Streets. . This rras referred to I,1r. Qua11s for investi�ation and <br /> report. <br /> A report r�as sent in by I:Ir, Rualls reconr.iendin� the installation <br /> of a street li�ht at the intersection of Victoria and St, Joseph Streets <br /> and the Board� upon his recor�endation, ordered thelight in. <br /> ':7?�'IGIITS AidD ;i"'t�.A:�UltiS : t:ir. �harlea Burns, �ity Sealer, filed his report <br /> or e ��ree , en ing Jime 14, 1947. <br /> There bein� no further business to co:1e before tne �3oard, the r.ieeting <br /> rras adjourned at 12;50 p,y,q� <br /> ATi'�yT. _ - �'�LiJr� <br /> i` <br /> I � �( 'i �� ��iairrsan <br /> -� � i�- ',�1.� '�"'% <br /> ' -- C er / <br /> i <br />