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�58 � � <br /> � <br /> June 16, 1947 � � <br /> C <br /> t� regular raeeting of the Board o£ Public S�£ety �^rns held on t,7onday, <br /> ,7une 16, 1�47 at 10:00 A.t,f. All rac:!ibers •rrere present. I;Iinutes of the <br /> last �eetin� 1•tere read and approved. Clair�s of the folloti•�ing suppliers <br /> in the amount of }�2,369.48 �^rere approved and ordered paid; <br /> Eu�iness Systems ti� 9.51 The I;�cCaffery Co, ,�, 18.24 <br /> Eusiness Systems 26.46 A. G. 1:Ieier & Co. 85.�0 <br /> Eusiness Systeris 28.h9 I,otorola, Inc. 1,177.00 <br /> Business S;�stems 12,13 T1�tional Rifle Assoc. 24,00 <br /> City ';�ater 'dlorks 506.37 Radio Distributing Co. 4.61 ' <br /> City Flater 'ilorlcs 27. 64 Rail��ray �xpress A�ency l.f>4 <br /> Ell.hart Brass I,Ifg. Co. 143.68 Recreation equip�ent Co, 17;00 <br /> Englerrood Elec. Suppl� 12.98 The Rubber Shop 19.25 <br /> �iarry T. Everett 5.65 H. H. Slominsl.i, 1:i.D. 6.00 <br /> IIarry T. yverett 35.70 South Bend Ltmiber Co. 11.95 <br /> Praternal Order of Police 26.50 Standard Oil Company #00.00 <br /> The Gibson Co::ipany 2.04 L'lest Side -IIardti°aare Co. 1.65 <br /> Clement II4zinski 47,05 i'lestern Union Tel. Co. II.14 <br /> I;oontz=,'la�ner �lec, Co, 8.25 The T,4cCa1'fery Co. 1.46 <br /> - FFIC D�PAFtiI.:�TdT: Irlr. Ernest t;Yiller� Tra£fic II�gineer� ti�tas present <br /> � s per -ainin�to his departs:�ent rrere discussed. <br /> . Rever C. 19itucki of St, Casimer� s Pa�rish caxne bef the Board to <br /> as�; pex:nissio o close Fisher Street for carnival p ses frora July lst <br /> to .IIth. Also to ose ':Jebster Street durin� the enin�s so it could be <br /> used for pedestrian 1'fic only, The Board anted permiesion to close <br /> a part of Fisher Street ring the day evenin� and ';Jebster Street <br /> durin� tne e¢enin� only. - <br /> Representatives of the - S ansit Company, PdorcJalk Tz'ucking Cor.ipany <br /> and Shippers Dispatch ca� efore the oard to discuss the access routes <br /> to be used by the tr , n� companies, T r.iatter i�ras reierred to LIr. • <br /> t;?i11er for invest ' ation. • <br /> DOG POITP • The C1erk of the Board tivas directed to vertise for a one- , <br /> a i picY-up trucY. Por the Do� Pound, bids to be urnable : on July <br /> 7 947. <br /> STIGIIQ�F'12IiTG DEPARTi��I�IT: ' <br /> TI� ABOVE T;IIIIUTES OP THE B0�2D OF '�'JORIiS �IITERID BY ERROR <br /> FIRE DEPART,i�IIT: Chief DeVleeschorrer i°ras pre�ent and matters pertaining <br /> o s epar r.ient rrere discussed, <br /> ;Jilliar.i ICro�er having passed the ph;�sical e:�ar,iinations �iven by the <br /> City Doctor and the Doctor appointed by the i irer.2ent s Pension F�d i'rustees <br /> is norr appointed as a probationar�* member of the Fire Departr.ient for a si:; <br /> months period. He is to be assigned to duty by the Chief as of this date <br /> and his salar5* rrill be that oi' a fireman on a probationar�* basis. <br /> A letter ti^ras received Prom Iienneth J. iubbs nsl:in� for re-instatement <br /> on the Fire Departr.ient. • <br /> A letter ti°ras received fror.i Dr. II. H. Slo:-iinski indicatin� that he <br /> had examined I;enneth Tubbs and recom,-:�ended him as physically fit for the <br /> Fir.e Departr.ient. <br /> This being the date set for receivin� bids for rire apparatus, the , <br /> follo�rain� bids r�ere opened and publicly read; <br /> American-LaFrance-roamite A non-collusion affidavit and certified <br /> Elt*mira, I1e��� '�or� chec� for .,p500.00 accornpanied bid. <br /> 1 750 �allon ptmlper ;113,908.50 <br /> F. O.B. Elrnira I1. Y. , Jelivery 220 days <br /> 1000 gallon pumper additional y>500.00 <br />