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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Ignition Park ACM Demolition Proposal — Batch 3 <br />1/09/2012 Page 3 <br />I <br />w <br />takes into account any multiple structures at combined addresses, except as noted for commercial <br />buildings. This fee will not be exceeded without prior written justification and approval. <br />Analyses of samples for suspect asbestos- containing materials (ACM) will be invoiced at the stated <br />unit costs. The number of suspect asbestos containing materials (ACM) per structure based on our <br />previous experience with structures of similar size, age and construction is expected to average 6 by <br />PLM per structure. This includes brittle, potentially friable Category H suspect materials. We intend <br />to assume that Category I non - friable materials (resilient flooring, flooring adhesive, asphalt roofing, <br />gaskets) are ACM and do not anticipate the need to sample these at this time. These can remain with <br />the structures for demolition. Older linoleum consisting of two separable layers will be considered <br />Category II potentially friable and sampled if encountered. The only Category I material that will be <br />sampled is resilient flooring attached to concrete, to allow the concrete to be recycled. The actual <br />number of samples needed will be determined in the field. It is not expected to vary greatly from the <br />number quoted. The Commission will be billed for the actual number of samples collected. <br />BASIS OF PROPOSAL <br />The above pricing is based on the following assumptions: <br />• Commission to provide ready access to each structure <br />• Commission to assure that each structure is unoccupied <br />Ready access includes keys or the typical chipboard or plywood sheeting over doors fastened with <br />hex head or #2 square drive multipurpose screws. Locked doors either alone or underneath this <br />sheeting are not considered "ready access ". <br />IDEM allows the demolition of residences with non - friable Category I and II materials in place, <br />except when intentionally burned. We propose to assume such materials to be ACM and document <br />them as such, including their quantities, on the IDEM Notification and in our survey reports. <br />Although it rarely occurs, severely water - damaged resilient flooring, normally a Category I non- <br />friable material even for demolition, may be encountered and need to be classified as potentially <br />friable for demolition. A confirming analysis for this type of material will be needed and is done by <br />TEM. TEM analysis for Category I flooring on concrete is included in this pricing, but if potentially <br />friable Category I flooring is encountered the need for this additional analysis will be brought to the <br />Commission's attention for action. <br />Although it rarely occurs, occasionally a friable suspected ACM sample shows greater than I% <br />asbestos. In this situation additional confirming samples will be collected in an effort to save the <br />large expense of removing this material prior to demolition. Analysis will be by TEM at the quoted <br />unit price. The number of confirming samples will be determined in the field, based on the material <br />involved. <br />TEWE OF COMPLETION <br />• from receipt of the formal Notice -to- Proceed to completion of the field survey -- 2 weeks <br />• from completion of the field survey until submission of the Survey Report and IDEM <br />Notification -- 2 weeks <br />