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G <br />L+ <br />IX. DEMOLITION AND CLEARING <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: None <br />B. Additions: <br />Demolition Procedure <br />a. All demolition procedures shall be conducted in such a way that non - regulated <br />asbestos - containing materials on or within the structures shall remain non - friable. <br />b. The Contractor will be required to arrange and pay for disconnection of any utilities <br />remaining in place. <br />c. The use of explosives on the site will not be permitted. No open fires or burning will <br />be permitted. <br />d. Use water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit the <br />amount of dust and dirt rising and scattering into the air. Do not use water when it <br />may create hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding, and <br />pollution. <br />e. The Contractor shall remove all the structures and their contents and all walkways, <br />driveways, steps, slabs, pavements whether concrete or asphalt, fences, retaining <br />walls, signs and foundations, bushes, shrubs, trees including stumps, and any other <br />such items from the property. The contractor shall protect all existing sidewalk and <br />curb. <br />f. In all cases where it is necessary to work on the public right of way, including the <br />sidewalks and alleys, the Contractor shall submit a traffic control plan to the Engineer <br />for approval prior to beginning the work at that structure. The Contractor will provide <br />all barricades, warning signs and lights, flaggers, or other methods in compliance <br />with the Indiana Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices to control traffic. Alleys <br />shall be used wherever possible for truck and equipment access to the structures. <br />No tracked vehicles shall be operated on public streets or public sidewalks. Loading <br />of debris into trucks located within the right of way will not be approved without proof <br />that there is no other way to accomplish the work without damage to private property. <br />g. All existing sewer and water mains on the site will be capped at the property line and <br />removed. The Contractor shall coordinate the termination and removal of the sewer <br />and water mains with the Owner. Documentation in the form of an as -built sketch is <br />to be provided where the sewer and water lines were capped at the ROW line. Photo <br />documentation is also required. <br />h. All concrete generated from the demolition of the structures and appurtenances shall <br />be removed from the site and disposed of as provided in these Specifications. <br />i. All demolition debris, rubbish, and all other material removed from the site as part of <br />the work shall be transported in a lawful manner to landfill(s) or other disposal <br />facilities licensed to receive such material. The Contractor shall inform the Owner in <br />writing of the identity of those facilities, the nature of materials disposed there, and a <br />statement from the facility that it is licensed to receive such material prior to any work <br />starting on site. Trucks leaving the work area shall be adequately covered, protected <br />and secured to prevent debris from spilling or blowing from the trucks during <br />transport. <br />j. Foundation walls of the buildings are to be removed to their full depth. Underfloor <br />water pipe, sewer pipe, electric wire and conduit, ducts, valves, tunnels, and all other <br />constructed appurtenances shall be completely removed. Crushed in place will not <br />be permitted. <br />k. Backfill shall be clean sand or sand and gravel free of roots, clay, or other deleterious <br />materials meeting INDOT's borrow specification. Backfill shall be compacted in thin <br />lifts with a vibratory roller compactor using the number of passes recommended by <br />the manufacturer to compact that thickness of lift to one hundred (100) percent of <br />standard proctor maximum dry density, ASTM D698. Backfill shall be approved by <br />the owner prior to placement. The owner may disapprove backfill deemed unsuitable <br />at the owner's discretion. Any unsuitable backfill delivered or placed on the site prior <br />to approval shall be removed at no additional cost to the owner. <br />I. After backfilling the ground shall be graded with a 0.5' to 1' depression sloping <br />towards the middle of the site. The grading shall remove any ruts or hole caused by <br />demolition equipment or procedures on the site. The site shall receive 4 inches of <br />rich topsoil and hydroseed upon completion of grading. The topsoil shall be free of <br />