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REGULAR MEETING August 13, 2018 <br /> RESOLUTIONS <br /> BILL NO. <br /> 18-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br /> APPROVING A PETITION OF THE AREA <br /> BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS FOR THE <br /> PROPERTY LOCATED AT 719 AND 721 W. <br /> REX STREET <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis, chair of the Zoning and Annexation Committee, reported that they <br /> met this afternoon and send this bill forward with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Angela Smith, the Area Plan Commission, with offices on the 11th Floor of the County-City <br /> Building, South Bend, IN, served as the presenter of this bill. Ms. Smith stated, Before you this <br /> evening is a portion of a project that's looking at a housing development along Portage Avenue. <br /> The majority of the project is zoned MU, Mixed-Use District.There are two (2) lots on Rex Street, <br /> however, zoned Single-Family District. Within that district they would like to seek a special <br /> exception use to allow those two(2)lots as a parking lot for the larger project. This will help retain <br /> the underlying zoning district for the lots and help support the project's development, moving <br /> forward. <br /> Kathy Schuth, Near Northwest Neighborhood, 1007 Portage Avenue, South Bend, IN, served as <br /> the petitioner of this bill. Ms. Schuth stated,This is a project that has been a long time coming and <br /> it's a true partnership between the County,City,and neighborhood investors in the Near Northwest <br /> Neighborhood. We have been trying to get this through to receive State-level low-income housing <br /> tax credits. This is our sixth(6th)attempt at doing so and we feel like we have really created a great <br /> project here. What we are specifically asking for is a special use on two (2) residential properties <br /> that would become a parking lot area, and that is kind of right in the middle of that plan that you <br /> see on the screen. What we are hoping to do, of course, is move ahead with the project. It would <br /> be a combination between two (2) buildings of seventy-six (76) low-income apartment units. The <br /> majority of that would be in the building on the left...which has been vacant and abandoned for <br /> nine (9) years and, frankly, poorly maintained for a period of years prior to that. Most of the roof <br /> structure on that building is gone, however the street fagade remains pretty decent. It's a blighted <br /> structure in the neighborhood and we have not discovered other beneficial ways of moving forward <br /> with it due to the cost of rehab on that project. We have partnered with the City to enter into an <br /> agreement to utilize vacant land to the south and we would be proposing a three (3) story new <br /> construction building on that property. The property that we are proposing on the two (2) Rex <br /> properties is not required by this project,however we think it would be a true benefit to the project <br /> bringing the allowable parking to about one-and-a-half(1 '/2) spaces per apartment unit. We think <br /> that is appropriate for this size and in an urban environment. The reason why we did not go for a <br /> rezoning is that if this project fails we do not want this to become a commercial type property or <br /> mixed-use property. We would like it to revert to a residential use. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked what could be added to this project to entice those State-level <br /> low-income tax credits. <br /> Ms. Schuth responded,I would say,timing-wise,that we have actually put in the application, so it <br /> would be difficult to add anything to the application at this point. Tim Scott has been able to offer <br /> support.The Mayor has offered support and,actually,we have received support from both Senator <br /> Donnelly's office,Representative Walorski's office... So,we have been able to receive support at <br /> all levels,which is really helpful. I will say one (1) thing I think that would really make this shine <br /> is if there is the potential for making a transportation hub at this site. There is a bus stop already. <br /> It is the sort of place where would like to see a covered bus stop, since we are adding more density <br /> to that area that that could, especially with the NNN across the street, become a hub. <br /> 9 <br />