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�o � <br /> �..� <br /> and carried S�aas accepted and the Clerk of the Board tiras instructed �� <br /> to retain �nton Sroda on the payroll until �u�;ust 15th, the last t�T�o �;j <br /> d�ee�s to be considered his vacation for the year. � <br /> The follo��ing applications for position on the Fire llepartment <br /> �1ere received and ordered placed on file: Stephen Goralski , F�obert <br /> Lav�erence .�llbert, ti?allace Ray Lim:-nerman, Frank Janko�vski and Julius <br /> �'iecnorovaski . - <br /> POLTCE D�PARTrJ,�NT - �ssistant Chief Diedrich present: <br /> T?r. �ualls present: . <br /> P�;onthly report of the Bureau of �ccident Preven�ion for July <br /> raas submitted to the Board and a copy furnished each member of the . <br /> Board. This is also on file in the office of the Board of I�ublie . <br /> Safety. � <br /> Special police commissions �ere issued to the following ti��hile. in <br /> the employ of the Bendix Corporation: Arthur rerm, �rnest TvTahan, <br /> �'�nkor rinderson, �. Ho�vard Bode and I.�. D. Shaffer. <br /> Application for re-instatement on the Police Department of James <br /> Perry �ras received and ordered placed on file. <br /> Continuation certificate on surety bond of Casimir Zuzny rras <br /> approved by the Board. � . <br /> The matter of radio and alarm systein �vas discussed and the <br /> Assistant Chief' suggested that sorle change be made in the personnel <br /> unless the service can be improved. A thorou�h discussion of this <br /> matter ���as had and it ��as decided that the Board confirm its former <br /> instruetions �hat i�Ir. Qualls, Superintendent of the Electrical llepart- <br /> ment, is also Chief of the Radio and �larm Station and that all <br /> activities of that department be taken up ti�rith him. The Secretary iaras <br /> also instructed, upon regular motion by l�ir. Anderson, seconded by <br /> i,Tr. ��'+oodtivard and earried, to varite to the Chiefs of the Fire and Yolice <br /> �epartments and to the members of the Alarm atation, giving copy of <br /> the letter to Llr. �ualls, that the I3oard considers i:�r. �,ualls the <br /> head of the �epartz�ent and that he is held responsible for its satis- <br /> factory operation, that he is authorized to arrange tlie ��JOrk of the <br /> detiartment to obtain the best service for the Police and Fire Depart- <br /> ments. The follovring letter v�as v+ritten to the Chief of the �'ire <br /> Department, Chief of the Police Department and to the menlbers of the <br /> Alarm 5tation: <br /> "The Board of Public Safety at its meeting on �vionday, August 3rd, <br /> again confirrned its decision made i� 29 , 1935 that I�ir. �ualls, <br /> Superin�tendent of the Llectrical Departr�ent , is the Chief' of the Radio <br /> and xlarm Station and that any matters to be taken up for consideration <br /> of the Board of Public Saf ety shall be submitted throu�h i��Tr. �ualls. <br /> This letter is �rritten so that you may thorou�hly understand that <br /> �:,r. �ualls is held responsible for the proper operation of the nlarm - <br /> Station and he shall direct its operation and make assi�ntnents to <br /> operators as in his best jud�rsent is for the interest of the departr,lent <br /> and the City in general. � <br /> The Board requests that all interested vaill cooperate to tne <br /> fullest extent, so that the most efficient service y��ill be rendered." <br /> In the matter of further physical examination by Police Pension <br /> Dr. R. L. �ensenieh of Officers Sam I�oczorotvski , Frank '►�endo�rski , . <br /> Valentine Delinski , I'rank T'erger and J. C. Bloom, it ti�as discovered <br /> that through error the letter directed to them by the Clerk of the <br /> Board of Safety on July 28th, instructing theM to report to Dr. <br /> Sensenich, sliotired date of October lst instead of Au�ust lst , and none <br /> of the of�'icexs havin� appeared f or examina�ion another co�munication <br /> �yas directecl to these officers to appear durin� tne week of xugust 8th, <br /> so that report of examination may be had by the Board f or its next <br /> meeting on xugust lOth. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 10:45 A. �,1. <br /> l <br /> Chairman <br /> ATTEST: _Clerk <br />