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�� ' <br /> P:Ir. Hun�er; You have nad considerable colle�e training in prepar- <br /> ation for your tiaork as a practicin� physician and <br /> sur�eon? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: I have had the usual trainin� reouired for practicing <br /> physician and surgeon and have also studied at various <br /> �imes in �urope. <br /> %:�r. Hunter: drhat college are you a jraduate of? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: Rush I�iedical College of Chicago. <br /> IMir. Hunter: Hovr lonb have you been the physician for the Pension <br /> I'und of the Fire Departrnent? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: F�or a nwnber of years. <br /> I.Zr. Hunter: In the course of this employment as �'ension Doctor were <br /> you asked by the Board of Public Safety to examine one <br /> ��.lfred Zentz? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: I ��as. <br /> P:ir. Hunter: Do you have a record of ��hen you exa�nined l�lfred Lentz2 <br /> Dr._ Sensenich: I have. <br /> Hunter: 1Jhen? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: July 24, 1936. <br /> T,��r. Hunter: Did you make .a medical exa.nination of hlf'red Lentz at <br /> that time? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: I did. <br /> �;:r. Iiunter: In your office? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: In my office. <br /> i;ir. Hunter: As a result of that examination v�hat physical deficiency <br /> did you find in regard to said xlfred Lentz? <br /> Dr. Sensenich: P�Ir. Lentz zr�as found to have a very high blood pressure <br /> of some years standing, but recently r�uch hi�her. He <br /> ti�aas under treatment for this 7 or 8 years a�o. ��t the <br /> present tilne his blood pressure vlas Systolic 200, <br /> Diastolic 100. In addition to that the urine tiras <br /> strongly positive for sugar. This, I understand, has <br /> been knor�n to f:ir. Lentz. Those �Tere the principal <br /> findings either one o� rahich ti�ould be sufficient to <br /> disqualify hira f'or active service on the r ire Depart- <br /> �ent, having considered also his a;;e ���nich he reported <br /> to be 66 years. <br /> i:�r. Hunter: Then in your opinion you v�ithout reservation reco�ni�end <br /> that �,;r. Alfred s�entz be placed on the pension roll of <br /> the i+ire Departtr�ent b3r reason of these specific <br /> disqualifications. <br /> Dr. Sensenich: Yes. <br /> i�r;r. iiunter: Tnat is all. <br /> r�ir. Hunter: '►7hat is your name? <br /> ��1r. Thurn: George 0. Thurn. <br /> i:ir. �:unter: • �Ihat is your official title as a City employee. <br /> i,1r. Thurn: Clerk of the Board of Public ��Jorks and Safety. <br /> Hunter: In this capacity do you have in charge the records <br /> of the South �end iire Department? <br /> I;Tr. Thurn: I do. <br /> ��r. Hunter: xccordino to these records is �ilfred Lentz a member of <br /> the Fire Department? <br /> Thurn: Ye s. . <br /> i.:r. Hunter: ��ihen z�ras he appointed to the depart�ent? <br /> I;ir. Thurn: Deeember 21, 1894. <br /> i,ir. Hunter: Ho�, lon� has he been on the department? <br /> I:ir. Thurn: 42 years 7 :�onths. <br /> T:Tr. Hunter: xccording to the re�ulations of tne Fire �epartznent <br /> Pension Fund is nlfred Lentz novr eli�ible for pension? <br /> T:1r. Thurn: . Fe i s. <br /> i��ir. I:unter: That is all. <br /> Upon considerin� the foregoin� evidence , tiie Board upon motion <br /> made by i:Ir. Anderson, seconded by j,:r. `;1ood���ard and regularly earried <br /> decided that this evidence be taken under advisement for one ti�eek for <br /> � further consideration and that Alfred Lentz and tlnton Sroda be <br /> notified to appear before the Board at its ne_�t regular r.ieetin� on <br /> ivionday, August lOth, to m.ake objection to their being placed upon <br /> pension in the rire Department of the City of South Bend. <br /> The Board reeeived resignation as a memUer of the Fire llepartment <br /> of ��nton Sroda as of ku�ust l, 1936. This, by re�ular motion seconded <br />