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26� <br /> S� �erm�n y;�00.�J5 G. �. i,Te;;er w Son �� 9 .^1 <br /> C <br /> 3usiness S;stems 56.50 G. E� T:��er cc So� 3.70 <br /> Business Syste�ls 11.g1 G. E. T;:eyer �c Son 15.00 <br /> i�ll`31iE:SS S�'St@ri3 J��� �• r'+� T';iP fel' �� �'OTl �s�c3 <br /> 3usiness Systems 2.�-5 1�1id��:°st liire Equip. Co . 13.00 <br /> Ci�y ','Jater '�'Io-rl�s 2.04 i,'idt•,est L�ire �nu�p Co. 2c5.�J0 <br /> Ci1tV ��Ja�Bi i'�Ol'1iS J•`�L'u ��i:LCL'.7CSu ��re �C1UlplTlerit 1�0 . `��J•�� <br /> City :Ta�er �:�orl�s 1,920.00 ::`lornin�side Pharm�cy 2.10 <br /> CitS� ';uater udor��s G.13 I��ational T.1ill Suppl� 9 .36 <br /> Continental Cil Co. 6�1.5€3 i�lor. Ind. Pb. Ser. Co. 1.00 <br /> Electronics I:ab. . , 9 .8� Onio Cil Co. 60.95 <br /> �lectronics Lab. _ . 5.02 Ohio 4il Co . 94.�6 <br /> �n�;le�,rood �l�c. Su�ply Co . _ �2 .93 Radio Diszributin� �o. 1.12 <br /> Tiarr;; T. DtTeret� 32.50 ^�d�.o D�sfr�butin�; Co . .80 <br /> ��lvin iif�. Co . . 195.�J0 Rail�ra� �.��r�ss .41 <br /> �,. 0 . G t e�. 59 .50 P�i�'r_e�u Radiator Co . 7.00 <br /> �QOd�ear �er�:ice 1�5.�2 Riche� �adiator Co. 10 n <br /> Grand Trun�� ','r'estern R.R. Co. . E.55 R�:Ter Pa_r1; Lur:iber Co. '7.44 ' �' <br /> riar�r�.ve �ai�t wr Varr.isn 2.38 River �arlr Lu��:ber Co. 15.15 <br /> V. F. Narr«ond, ��.D. 10.00 St. Josepn Hospital 213.�30 <br /> Indin_na Sale s '° Service 1�0.5� Schi1_lin�t s I�c. 52.94 <br /> I�di�n :.:otorcJcle Sales 16�3.00 Sears, �oe'�uck �: Co . 1�.�36 <br /> Ir_d�an�. B��1 Tel�bhone 39 .c7 0 . J. Shoerlaker 68.�J0 <br /> Indi�na Bell Telephone 14.00 ��ith� s ��u-:�rt 3.65 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 5.18 South 3end Do-.°Te1 '�7orl:s 1£3.00 <br /> Indiana Bell Telephone 10.92 �tand�.rd �:uto�ative 6.92 <br /> Indiana 3ell Tele�hone l.'75 St;a�dard Auto�otive 7.�7 <br /> 1ndiana Bell Te�ephone 3.55 Teeter Sales w Service 295.�0 <br /> Indwarla �ell Telep��one 13.50 J. �. �;ra1z GaraJe 1.20 <br /> indi�na Bell �'elephone 1.35 '�+ei�ber�er Bros. 5.50 <br /> India_na Bell Telephone 3.G5 �:Tesr.ers r?arlejT Davidson 1.35 <br /> i,7cCa��er� Co . . .8'7 '.`�es�ers Harle�r Davidson 13.99 <br /> .,ZcCa�fer; Co . . .9�' '.desterr L�n�or_ ^el. Co . .�6 <br /> i,TCClave Frintin� Co . 32.00 <br /> �QLIC'_'. D�P'L:��'�TrivT: Ci�'i.?i �V°rett 't'T�.S 2`ii°SP?:� u21C�. :°::2tt",@T'S T�@1't,�1T1i11E� t".O <br /> hi.s d�p�rtr.ient ti,rere d i scu:;�ed. <br /> It �::as ordered '�;; tn.e �oard t:�e t�.� base pa� dur�n� the 1 robationar;� <br /> �eriod of the Polic� and r�ire De�2rt~7er�ts should be rai�ed to y�l'75.00 per <br /> r::o:t�, e�'fective Januar� l, 1��44. <br /> FI�� D�:��ZT.,�r;=�1T: C�iiaf DeVleeschc:,�er �.°;as rrese�� �nd .�lattersperta�ninb to <br /> 1�is depart::en� �^Tere dis�ct�ssed. <br /> The Fire Chief ��•ras authorized, to the elctent oi :�onies �vailable <br /> ir h�s bizdget, to assi�n me.�bers of his departr:lent to overtime ��rorl� <br /> if, and ��Jhen needed. . <br /> The Hire Inspector �.^ras �ranted p°rmission to �.ttent th� 16th ��nu�l <br /> � �ire �?nsp�ctors conference �t .,:er.lphis, Tennessee fro� Janua_r;; 10 to Januar; <br /> 15, 194� srith �.�Penses to be p��.�d out of t�ze depart:nent. <br /> '�"��:IGHLS ^:;D i,?�tnSU��'�: ?�,Tr. Ch�.rles Burns, Cit� �e^,l�r, f:iled �is report <br /> �'o� the �vee1_r endin� Dece�?��r IH, 19��3. <br /> �L�CT��IC_`-_L D�'P?.nT:':iJT?i: Lron tli� reco.�.::end�.t�on o= :�Lr. De�uine oy t?�e <br /> indiana w ���chi�an �lectr�.c Cor.lpan;;, t.�e Louid �dvised i,Tr. �ualls to <br /> chan�e h�s order for a 1C00 1tLm�er� li�ht on ::isha�,;al>a �venue, at the <br /> ent�ance te the ��lectro-jToice :'«nufactur-in� Co�p����r Plant, �o a 6000 <br /> . � <br /> lu�:�°n li�ht . Gt�ier li�hts on ;:.:�h����;al:a �:T�r.�e a�e G000 lt�.r:en wnd u <br /> �000 l�:.e� 1_��it is neec�ed at �his locution �o r.�aintain �he illu.m.ination <br /> l�vel. <br /> T�1@I'� b8�ilv il0 _°UI'i:'11�T' `,JU3iI1@�S t'.0 CC::i.-^. �8"OT'8 LtiiE.' �Cc�Z'C�� t',�1G� T'?E,'°ulTl� <br /> r, <br /> ��^r2s �djourr.ed a� 11 :�0 ==.':':. _ <br /> A".'iT' �1: <br /> � Ci'ic.`Zl�':I'ic <br /> 1 <br /> Clerl� <br />