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- 26`7 <br /> 1':.��TTivu - D�CEI�i3Lr� 13, 1943 <br /> . �! reoular �r�eet�ng oF the �oard o" Pu�lic Saie�y v�ras held on :�:onc�a;�, <br /> . Dece�ber 13, 1943 at 10 :00 �!.''�:. r�ll ~�e��:ibers ti�rere pre�ent. i�:inutes of the <br /> • last �neetsn� ��rere read and abproved. - S�.lary claims ior the month of Dec- <br /> - ��ber in the amount of w4�3,469 .76 ;°rere approved and ordered Claims <br /> - of the follo�;-in� suppliers in the arlol�nt of �1,915.94 ti�rere approved and <br /> - ordered naid: <br /> - _"-.lex �r.drzejeti�TS':i ;� 24.1�J The Gibson �ompanf � 6.94 <br /> - �'��erican-LaFrance-�o��ite 76.00 V. �;. Har�non, T:.�. - 3.00 <br /> . �`u�erican-LuFrance-�'oa..�ite 253.00 D. E, H�rmon, i�i�D� - 2�00 <br /> - '>:��ric�.n-LaPrance-i ow:��te 301.00 V. �. Fiar-�:on, ?:I.r. - 6.00 <br /> . �'�.meric�n-L2Hrance-�'oa:nite 90.32 Indiana I�iotorc�cle Sales 3.�0 <br /> - Jo�~�n Be;,�rer �; Sons 62.30 r{a�Tlor-Ho1::an Co . - - 19 .71 <br /> - Joh.n Be�rer :�.Sons 97.50 Linde-iir Yroducts �o . 3.67 <br /> �ucl�anan Iron ,� TTetal �.�',o . 10.7° ?�ZcCafi er� Co. 3.81 <br /> Business S;;ste:7s 14.02 G. E. I,Ie�er �ti �on .�0 <br /> Bu�iness S;�s�e�ns .�9 �eliance �narmac�r : 3.40 <br /> �usiness 2'�.62 Dad �aville - . 1.50 <br /> Business S; . G.70 �ad S�ville 1.00 <br /> C�pbell Printin� Co . 5�.00 G . J. Slzoe�:al�er 80.00 <br /> Ci�;�- '�'later '.'��o��r:s 222 .90 �outh Rend �olice De?t. 360.JO <br /> D��;�ies Laundr;; w C1�anin�; 9.�5 ';leisaer`,er Eros. 3.50 <br /> �d�aards Iron :"��orl�s 43.45 ;�1e s� Side �iard`���.re 1.00 <br /> �lti�hart� Brass I,If�. Co . 79 .35 �. =�=ill�r ( Trans. ) 2�J.00 <br /> E. -i;elson ( Trar_s . ) 20.�J0 - <br /> FG�ICE D�PA��:.E��T: Ch_�'' �t;�ret� :•1as present ana m�tters pertaininJ to <br /> tili� Cl�'�3.I'�="1E�'�1L �"TeT'B C�1SC�1SS°C�. - <br /> Bonds ior spec'al Police��ien :rere appr3ved for Jwnes �'. :'�cofter, Tho.nzs <br /> Irons, Arthur rletc�er and John Deran�?--. T�e�e vrere ordered filed. <br /> �n applicate fo� Sp�c�al Dolice C�:~��i���on :r�.s approved for Anthony Riedl <br /> und �rr�s ordered _�elu for bon:;. <br /> I�'Iit�' �EP.R`�:�t��:T: Ch�ei �e`Tleescl�c��rer �:r^s presen� and ::�utters pertainir.� <br /> to his dei�rt.;Le�t ;rA�� dis�lzssed. ' <br /> E^Z'� �Ul'�C'.� ��.tJ r1�'A?:i:,:I1� YlaVlilo �@'^.: T'Bl��.sed r'1'C�,1 �1C�1Ve �Li�� ��BCuUS@ <br /> of ph;;sic�.l disab�li��, �.�� having ���:: acce�te� b;; t:�e �oard o� Fireme�zs <br /> Pen�ion �l'rustees, �� rl�.cnd on pension, effect�ve Dec�.nber 15, 1943. <br /> `,-Yi:'Iu�?TS !?�:D '`���SU:-t�c ; r;�.r. Ch^rl�� isur�s, C��;,- Se�ler, .filed his report <br /> "or th� �;:e�L e�idin; Dece:�ber 11, l�J'�. <br /> E�=C"'�IC::L D:��':R'�. ;T :"r. ;Ii1�ia.� ��ti�:lls, S�:rerinter.d°nt, ti�rfs pre�°nt <br /> and ^�.t�ers �ert��nin� tc �_s derar�:_ent �;ere discussed. <br /> 'i'��e iour� al:L�"iOT'1Ze� ?:r . �L,�lls to �:^'__e ���rlicutio:: �o t��e 'd�» �'roduc- <br /> �ion '?oa»d for ��rrl�ssiorl to �r.sta�l � 1000 lt�.ier_ lyPub at the entrance <br /> to the �lec�yo-`Toice �"arufac�urin� Cor.i�un�- Pl�:nt on I,Iisna��raka yvenue . <br /> ihere beir.�; �o i'�rther aus�.ness to cc�e befo»e the �oar:��, the meetin� <br /> -:;�� ��journe� at 11 :�0 �-.=1. <br /> l���T���:i• . <br /> � _ c'�airrla� <br /> C_ �I'�: <br /> .,:�'��1T�..ns - 17�Ci�:��� ��� ���J ' <br /> n re�ular :~�e�ti,��� o� the �o�.rc� o_ Pu�lic Sa�"et�- r:as held on T,�onday, <br /> rece:�:��r 20, l�?3 a� �^ :0�� :.?,=. :�1� r�e:�bers -,rers present. i::inut�s o± the <br /> 1«st ,;:��tin� -:;er� read an� a��rovec. Cla-�r,.s oi �}_e follo���;n� surpliers <br /> in the ��ount of `,5,�71.30 .�ere ��rrcT.�ed and ordered �aid: <br />