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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> maintaining a very high degree of fiscal discipline. I would say, and maybe I'll close with this,but <br /> it would serve us well to think in two (2) year terms right now. As we look at his budget, I think <br /> we should be asking ourselves about this ye and next year and whether it adds together. We are <br /> pressing our departments to think that way as well. By 2021 we hope to have tightened our belts <br /> in the right way and if we find our projections had been conservative, we will see that we are in <br /> good shape to expand some of the things that we always wanted to do but just couldn't. But for <br /> 2019 and 2020,we really want to make sure we are being selective in what we do. That is why we <br /> are doing these organizational tweaks. Any time a position opens up, beginning New Year's Day <br /> of 2019, we are going to look really hard at whether we can bring somebody back in or not. So a <br /> freeze may be a little strong of a word, but we are not going to fill a position just because we <br /> always did. We are going to double check whether it makes sense and whether there is another <br /> way to cover that work. We will continue to search for outside funding. There is a presentation <br /> coming later to update the Council on some of the great support we have been getting from outside <br /> philanthropies and Foundations. We have to keep driving those opportunities. <br /> He went on, To conclude, we are making sure we are staying ahead of what is happening <br /> financially. We are going to make sure that we balance the budget appropriately. There are some <br /> places where we will spend down some reserves when the reserve cash balance is substantially <br /> higher than the target. You actually don't want to sit on too much cash. Sometimes the State Board <br /> of Accounts looks on that skeptically but we do want to maintain healthy reserves that are at the <br /> target. That is the key to the Double A (AA) bond rating that you hear me so often boasting about <br /> on behalf of the City. It is so rare for a City of our size and make up in Indiana to have a Double <br /> A(AA)bond rating. The reason we have it is we have been able to spend in a way that keeps those <br /> cash reserves healthy. We look forward to working with the Council on this budget of upwards of <br /> $380 million. We will begin tom to present in further detail. <br /> Committee Chair White encouraged the Committee and Council Members to go through the <br /> information and submit their questions to the Clerk's Office. <br /> With no further business,Committee Chair White adjourned the Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> meetin g at 5:42 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> All" ,-(a <br /> Karen White, Committee Chair <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173(TTD574.235.5567] <br /> 10 <br />