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shall not make such payment when the balance therein equals the <br />estimate of such expenses during the next following six (6) <br />calendar months. The Commission hereby acknowledges and restates <br />its obligation pursuant to the Pledge Resolution to next set aside <br />and pay revenues of the Facility into the Net Revenue Account and, <br />on each August 1 during the term of the Lease, deposit such <br />revenues collected in the Net Revenue Account into the Parking <br />Facility Principal and Interest Account (the "Required Deposit ") <br />and to use such revenues to pay lease rental payments in the twelve <br />(12) month period beginning on January 1 of the following calendar <br />year; provided however, that no deposit from the Net Revenue <br />Account into the Parking Facility Principal and Interest Account <br />shall be made on any August 1 if on such date the balance in the <br />i <br />Parking Facility Principal and Interest Account is sufficient to <br />pay such lease rentals. <br />Section 3. The Commission hereby acknowledges and <br />restates its obligation pursuant to the Pledge Resolution to levy <br />in each calendar year a special tax upon all of the taxable <br />property in the City of South Bend Redevelopment District in a <br />total amount sufficient, together with any Required Deposit made <br />on August 1 of such calendar year and all other funds in the <br />Parking Facility Principal and Interest Account deposited into such <br />account from any other sources (other than such special taxes) <br />r during the previous twelve (12) calendar months prior to August 1 <br />of such calendar year, to pay all lease,rental payments payable in <br />the twelve (12) month period beginning on January 1 of the <br />-3- <br />