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To: Project Future Board of Directors <br /> From: Philip A. Newbold, Chairman <br /> Re: Transition Plans <br /> Nearly 30 years ago, a small dedicated group of concerned community leaders gathered to better organize and <br /> dramatically improve the community's economic future. Project Future was launched and over the past three <br /> decades has been tirelessly working to attract and create jobs and improve the economic well being of the area. <br /> As technology and globalization have changed all our daily lives and our economy,we are faced with <br /> significant changes which require a more regional and more technology based future. Whereas Project Future <br /> has spent a great deal of its successful efforts on attracting new businesses to the community and helping <br /> existing businesses expand and grow, it now seems more strategic to focus more of our resources on new <br /> business startups and to commercialize more of the technologies coming out of Notre Dame and Indiana <br /> University. <br /> The biggest transition is to announce that Pat McMahon, our talented Executive Director, will be focusing the <br /> majority of his time in an expanded role that has evolved from the Michiaaa Technology Connection(MTC) <br /> evaluation and planning exercise. Pat will focus on several of the MTC's strategic recommendations,working <br /> to create stronger bridges between Notre Dame's expanding research centers and our communities. Pat will <br /> report directly to Bob Bernhard,Vice President of Research, as Notre Dame takes steps to enhance its capacity <br /> to support the transformation of new concepts and big ideas into new ventures and expanding businesses. <br /> Pat will also spent a portion of his time assisting in the transition of our traditional economic development <br /> activities into a combined regional/local structure. Pat played a strong role over the past two years with several <br /> regional development professionals to create a platform for a larger, multi-county marketing umbrella. His <br /> "second"job will be to assist in the evolution of strong local initiatives that will work closely with these <br /> regional partners. <br /> The Executive Committee of Project Future has been quietly working with the Chamber of Commerce of St. <br /> Joseph County to explore how to best position the county and the region for growth over the next decade. A <br /> small group of Project Future Board members will be working with the Chamber to develop a more coordinated <br /> and expanded role around business retention, attraction and growth for South Bend, Mishawaka and St. Joseph <br /> County, and how those activities complement regional efforts. More details will emerge over the next several <br /> weeks as we better define roles,responsibilities, funding needs, and leadership. <br /> Finally,there are two new organizations that are also active and critically important to our regional economic <br /> development future. Jump Start has recently developed a new Regional Economic Assistance Plan (REAP) and <br /> the Corporate Partnership for Economic Growth(CPEG) will help coordinate,focus and accelerate economic <br /> development across a seven county region of north central Indiana and southwest Michigan. <br /> What is clear is that we continue to need your longstanding leadership and financial support. Project Future has <br /> been the envy across the state of the private,public and nonprofit partnership that has enabled the area to be <br /> successful and work together. As we enter this new transition phase, we will continue to provide new details on <br /> our plans and leadership as they emerge. Thank you again for your unwavering support of Project Future and <br /> we look forward to a stronger and more vibrant economic future. —..m..-K..v_-• -wM- <br /> OCT -19 2011 <br /> CITY CLERK,SOUTH BnWD,W <br />