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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS OF FACT OF THE SOUTH BEND <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />REGARDING THE STANLEY CLARK SCHOOL PROJECT <br />Comes now the South Bend Economic Development Commission and upon evidence <br />presented and substantive testimony received makes the following findings of fact regarding The <br />Stanley Clark School Project to be located in the City of South Bend, Indiana (the "City"): <br />The proposed economic development projects for The Stanley Clark School, <br />Incorporated, an Indiana nonprofit corporation (the "Applicant"}, consists of (a)(i) <br />the improvement, expansion, and renovation of the educational facility commonly <br />known as Fannin Hall to include four kindergarten rooms, three preschool rooms, <br />a large-motor multipurpose room and an atelier; (ii) the improvement, expansion <br />and renovation of the educational and administrative facility commonly known as <br />Martin Hall to provide for, among other improvements, additional classrooms, <br />common rooms and office space; (iii) improvements to roads, walkways, parking <br />lots and other educational facilities on the same site, including site improvements <br />and landscaping; and (iv} water retention improvements (collectively, the "2005 <br />Project"), all of which are to be located on the Applicant's approximately thirty- <br />two (32) acre site at 3123 Miami Street in the City (the "Site") and (b)(i) the <br />rebuilding of the educational facility on the Site commonly known as the Lower <br />School to provide for up-to-date technology and amenities; (ii) the construction of <br />a fine arts center and an improved media center on the Site which may include an <br />auditorium, additional fine arts and music classrooms and improved media <br />equipment and technology; and (iii) the relocation and construction of athletic <br />fields or facilities on the Site or on an approximately four (4) acre site located on <br />the northeast corner of High Street and Donmoyer Avenue, near and including <br />744 Donmoyer Avenue and the property across from the Site on High Street <br />(collectively, the "Additional Projects" and with the 2005 Project, the "Projects"). <br />The Projects will be owned and operated by the Applicant. The estimated cost of <br />the Projects is $15,000,000, and the Applicant has request that a portion, if not all, <br />of said cost be financed through the issuance of economic development revenue <br />bonds by the City under the provisions of I.C. § 36-7-11.9 and 12, as <br />supplemented and amended. <br />2. The Applicant has entered or will enter into agreements with such persons as they <br />deem necessary and appropriate for the payment and provision of public works or <br />services necessary for the operation of the Projects. Accordingly, no public works <br />or services not already existing or available, or contemplated by the City, will be <br />necessary or desirable due to the economic development facilities proposed by the <br />Applicant. <br />BDDBO] 4177119v1 A-1 <br />