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of Lot #12 in said plat; thence South 89 °- 51' -46" East, along the <br />line between Lots #12 & 13 in said plat extended, 394.00 feet to <br />the Centerline of Michigan Street; thence South 00 °- 03' -23" East <br />+' along said Centerline, 1393.28 feet to the Centerline of Sample <br />Street; thence North 89 °- 54' -56" West along said Centerline, 50.00 <br />feet; thence South 001- 00' -15" East along the Northerly extension <br />of the West right -of -way line of Michigan Street and said West <br />right -of -way line, 2636.58 feet to its intersection with the <br />Centerline of Indiana Avenue; thence South 890- 34' -04" West along <br />said Centerline, 1242.87 feet to the Centerline of Franklin <br />Street; thence North 000- 13' -39" East along said Centerline, <br />467.25 feet to the Centerline of the South Bend and St. Joseph <br />Railroad; thence North 89 °- 40' -41" West along said Centerline, <br />1446.96 feet to the Centerline of Kendall Street; thence North <br />000- 20' -29" East along said Centerline, 626.65 feet to the <br />Centerline of Cotter Street; thence North 89 °- 24' -21" West along <br />said Centerline, 894.73 feet to the Centerline of Prairie Avenue; <br />thence North 280- 35' -29" East along said Centerline, 1253.48 feet <br />and North 00°- 11' -41" West, 915.49 feet and North 890- 53' -19" <br />East, 363.11 feet to a point of curvature; thence around a 286.48 <br />foot radius curve to the left an arc distance of 302.26 feet to <br />the end of a chord which bears North 590- 39' -44" East and having a <br />chord distance of 288.43 feet; thence continuing along said <br />Centerline North 290- 26' -09" East, 142.63 feet and North <br />290- 31' -40" East, 912.61 feet to the point of beginning, and; <br />WHEREAS, upon such surveys, investigations, and studies being <br />made, the Commission finds that the Expansion Area No. 1 has become <br />blighted to an extent that such blighting conditions cannot be <br />corrected by regulatory process or by the ordinary operations of <br />private enterprise without resort to the provisions of the Act and <br />that the public health and welfare would be benefited by the <br />acquisition and redevelopment of such area under the provisions of the <br />Act; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission finds that in order to facilitate and <br />enhance the replanning, redevelopment, and disposition of property <br />within the above - described blighted area in the manner that best <br />serves the social and economic interest of South Bend and its <br />inhabitants, it is necessary and desirable to amend and merge the <br />above - described blighted areas for all purposes under the Act by <br />expanding the boundaries of each described blighted area to make the <br />boundaries of each area co- terminus with the following- described area <br />within South Bend, which shall hereafter be referred to as the <br />Sample -Ewing Development Area: <br />Sample -Ewing Development Area <br />That part of Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, <br />23 and 24 in Township 37 North, Range 2 East, and Section <br />18 in Township 37 North, Range 3 East all in St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana which is described as: Beginning at the <br />intersection of the Centerline line of Michigan Street <br />(99.00 ft. wide) and the South Right of Way line of <br />Sample Street extended West,; thence North along said <br />Centerline of Michigan Street to its intersection with <br />the Northerly Right of Way line of the Conrail Railway <br />(formerly Penn Central Railroad) extended East; thence <br />Westerly and Northwesterly along said Northerly Right of <br />Way line to the Southeast Corner of Lot 1 in the <br />unrecorded plat of "GUILDFOYLE'S ADDITION" and the West <br />Right of Way line of Arnold Street; thence South along <br />the West Right of Way line of Arnold Street to the North <br />Right of Way of Sample Street, said point being the <br />Southeast Corner of Lot # 48 in the recorded plat of <br />"ARNOLD & WEBSTER'S SUB- DIVISION OF BANK OUTLOT #103" as <br />recorded in the records of said county; thence West along <br />the North Right of Way line of Sample Street to the <br />intersection of the Northwesterly Right of Way line of <br />the New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois Railroad; thence <br />Southwesterly along said Northwesterly Right of Way line <br />to a point which is 300 ft. more or less South of the <br />North Right of Way line of Meadow Lane extended East, <br />