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or less, along the West line of said Section Fifteen (15) to <br />the North right -of -way line of the Penn Central Railroad (Old <br />? Pennsylvania Railroad); thence East along said railroad <br />right -of -way to the East right -of -way line of Olive Street; <br />thence south along said right -of -way line to the point of <br />beginning; <br />amended by Resolution No. 810, adopted August 28, 1987; confirmed by <br />Resolution No. 817, adopted October 23, 1987; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department has conducted surveys and investigations <br />and has thoroughly studied the Studebaker Corridor Development Area <br />(Expanded) and the Rum Village Industrial Park (Expanded), and the <br />Commission finds that those areas remain blighted to the extent that <br />such blighting conditions cannot be corrected by regulatory process or <br />by the ordinary operations of private enterprise without resort to the <br />provisions of the Act, and that the public health and welfare would be <br />benefited by the continued acquisition in and redevelopment of such <br />areas under the provisions of the Act; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department has conducted surveys and investigations <br />and has thoroughly studied that area within South Bend hereby <br />designated as Expansion Area No. 1, more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />Expansion Area No. 1 <br />That part of Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 and <br />24 in Township 37 North, Range 2 East, and Section 18 in Township <br />37 North, Range 3 East all in St. Joseph County, Indiana which is <br />described as: Beginning at the intersection of the Centerline line <br />of Michigan Street (99.00 ft. wide) and the South Right of Way <br />line of Sample Street extended West,; thence North along said <br />Centerline of Michigan Street to its intersection with the <br />Northerly Right of Way line of the Conrail Railway (formerly Penn <br />Central Railroad) extended East; thence Westerly and Northwesterly <br />along said Northerly Right of Way line to the Southeast Corner of <br />Lot 1 in the unrecorded plat of "GUILDFOYLE'S ADDITION' and the <br />West Right of Way line of Arnold Street; thence. South along the <br />West Right of Way line of Arnold Street to the North Right of Way <br />of Sample Street, said point being the Southeast Corner of Lot # <br />48 in the recorded plat of "ARNOLD & WEBSTER`S SUB - DIVISION OF <br />BANK OUTLOT #103" as recorded in the records of said county; <br />thence West along the North Right of Way line of Sample Street to <br />the intersection of the Northwesterly Right of Way line of the New <br />Jersey, Indiana and Illinois Railroad; thence Southwesterly along <br />said Northwesterly Right of Way line to a point which is 300 ft. <br />more or less South of the North Right of Way line of Meadow Lane <br />extended East, said line being the North line of Meadow Lane as <br />recorded in the plat of "BELLEVILLE GARDENS 2ND UNIT"`; thence West <br />on a line which is parallel to and 300 ft. more or less South of <br />said extended North Right of Way line of Meadow Lane to a point <br />which is 100 ft. more or less, South, from the South terminus <br />point of Sheridan Avenue; thence North 100 ft. more or less to <br />said South terminus point; thence West, 535 ft. more or less to a <br />point which is 30 ft. more or less, South, from the Southeast <br />corner of the recorded plat of "BELLEVILLE GARDENS 2ND UNIT" as <br />recorded in the records of said County; thence North 30 ft. more <br />or less to said Southeast Corner; thence West, 1985 ft. more or <br />less along the South line of said "BELLEVILLE.GARDENS 2ND UNIT" to <br />the West line of said Section 16; thence South along the West line <br />of said Section to the West quarter Post of said Section 16; <br />thence East along the East and West quarter line of said Section <br />to the Northeast Corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest <br />quarter of said Section; thence South along the East line of the <br />Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section to the <br />Southeast Corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter <br />of said Section; thence East along the North line of the South <br />half of the Southwest quarter of said the Northeast <br />Corner of the South half of the Southwest quarter of said Section; <br />thence South along the North and South quarter line of said <br />Section to the quarter corner common to said Sections 16 and 21; <br />-5- <br />