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Declarant may (but is under no duty or obligation to): (i) enter in or upon any portion of the Owner's <br />Parcel(s), or the buildings and other Surface Improvements located on the Parcel(s), and cure the <br />non - compliance; or (ii) enjoin the non - compliance through an action at law or in equity. Any Owner that <br />fails to comply with any Owner Covenant shall: (i) promptly reimburse Declarant for all expenses that <br />Declarant incurs in connection with curing the non - compliance; and (ii) be liable to Declarant for all <br />costs that Declarant incurs in connection with enjoining such non - compliance (including, without <br />limitation, attorneys' fees and legal costs). Absent manifest error, determination by Declarant that an <br />Owner has failed to comply with any Owner Covenant shall be conclusive. <br />(o) Amounts Payable to Declarant. <br />(i) All amounts payable by an Owner to Declarant pursuant to this Section, <br />(including, without limitation, its share of the Common Utility Expenses, the Common Irrigation <br />Expense, the Common Drainage Expenses and the Relocation Expenses) (the "Contribution <br />Payment(s) ") shall be deemed to be delinquent if the full amount thereof is not paid within 30 <br />days after receipt by the Owner of an invoice for the amount payable. All delinquent <br />Contribution Payments: (A) shall bear interest at four (4 %) percent above the rate of interest <br />that is designated by J.P. Morgan Chase as its prime rate (as revised or modified from time to <br />time during the period when a Contribution Payment is delinquent); and (B) together with the <br />interest thereon, shall be a lien against the Owner's Parcel (the "Non- Payment Lien "); provided <br />that the Non - Payment Lien shall be subordinate to: (A) any mortgage lien that is: (1) held by a <br />mortgagee that is not an affiliate of the Owner; and (2) placed of record prior to the date on <br />which the Contribution Payment becomes delinquent (the "Prior Mortgage "); and (B) any <br />leasehold interest that is: (1) held by a Tenant that is not an affiliate of the Owner; and (2) <br />placed of record prior to the date on which the Contribution Payment becomes delinquent (the <br />"Prior Lease "). Notwithstanding any covenant, condition, term, or provision of this Declaration <br />to the contrary: (A) this Declaration shall not impose any obligation or liability on any mortgagee <br />or Tenant to make Contribution Payments until the mortgagee's or Tenant's interest in a Parcel <br />ripens into fee simple ownership; and (B) a mortgagee or Tenant shall be liable for, and <br />obligated to pay, only the Contribution Payments that are allocable to a Parcel after the date on <br />which the mortgagee's or Tenant's interest in the Parcel ripens into fee simple ownership or, in <br />the case of a mortgagee, after the date on which the mortgagee assumes possession of the <br />Parcel, whichever first occurs. <br />(ii) Declarant may collect any delinquent Contribution Payment and the <br />accrued interest thereon by any action at law or in equity, and, in addition, may foreclose the <br />Non - Payment Lien. Any Owner that fails to pay a Contribution Payment before the payment <br />becomes delinquent shall be liable to Declarant for all costs that Declarant incurs in connection <br />with collecting the Contribution Payment and the accrued interest thereon, and with foreclosing <br />the Non - Payment Lien (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and legal costs). Until the <br />date on which the Owner pays to Declarant the delinquent Contribution Payment, Declarant, in <br />addition to its other remedies, may withhold from, or deny to, the Owner and all Tenants of, <br />and Visitors to the Owner's Parcel(s), use of the Common Access Ways, the Utility Systems, the <br />Drainage System, the Irrigation System, and the Signs; provided that such use may not be <br />withheld from, or denied to, Tenants having a Prior Lease or Visitors of such Tenants. Upon the <br />request of any Owner or the mortgagee of a Parcel, Declarant shall furnish any Owner or the <br />mortgagee with information regarding any delinquent Contribution Payment, the accrued <br />-18- <br />