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(iii) Each Owner's share of the Sign Expenses presumptively shall be based <br />on the Building Proportion; provided that, if Declarant, in its sole discretion, determines that <br />allocation of the Sign Expenses on the basis of the Building Proportion is inequitable or will not <br />fully reimburse Declarant for all common Sign Expenses, then Declarant, in its sole discretion, <br />shall calculate each Owner's share of the Sign Expenses based on a formula or other process of <br />allocation that Declarant determines to be more equitable or appropriate. <br />(iv) Notwithstanding the foregoing, for any Sign containing Sign User Panels, <br />the Sign Expenses of such Sign shall be paid only by the Owner of the Sign User Panels located <br />on such Sign. Each Owner of a Sign User Panel shall pay to Declarant a share of the Sign <br />Expenses incurred in connection with such Sign containing Sign user Panels. The share of the <br />Sign Expenses payable by each Owner of a Sign User Parcel presumptively shall be based on the <br />proportion of: (A) the area of that Owner's panels (or the panels of its Tenant(s) that are Sign <br />User(s)); to (B) the total area of all panels on the Sign (the "Panel Proportion "); provided that, if <br />Declarant determines, in its sole discretion, that allocation of the Sign Expenses on the basis of <br />the Panel Proportion is inequitable or will not fully reimburse Declarant for all Sign Expense, <br />then Declarant, in its sole discretion, shall calculate each Sign User's share of the Sign Expenses <br />based on a formula or other process of allocation that Declarant determines to be more <br />equitable or appropriate. <br />(i) Maintenance of Common Parking Areas. <br />(i) Declarant shall: (A) maintain and repair the Common Parking Areas; and <br />(B) replace, in whole or in part, the Common Parking Areas when Declarant determines, in its <br />sole discretion, that replacement is necessary or appropriate to satisfy Declarant's obligation to <br />maintain and repair the Common Parking Areas under this Declaration. Declarant shall procure <br />and maintain: (a) policies of public liability insurance, in such amounts as Declarant deems to be <br />appropriate, that insure Declarant and the Owners against liability for property damage, <br />personal injury, and loss of life occurring on, or in connection with, the use of the Common <br />Parking Areas (the "Common Parking Areas Insurance "); and (b) Declarant shall procure and <br />maintain policies of hazard insurance as Declarant deems to be appropriate, to cover casualty <br />damages to, and destruction of, the Common Parking Areas (the "Common Parking Areas <br />Hazard Insurance "). <br />(ii) Each Owner shall pay to Declarant a share of the expenses that <br />Declarant incurs in connection with insuring, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, <br />landscaping, and illuminating the Common Parking Areas (including, without limitation, all costs <br />and expenses of landscaping and maintaining the areas surrounding the Common Parking Areas) <br />(the "Common Parking Areas Expenses "). <br />(iii) Each Owner's share of the Common Parking Areas Expenses <br />presumptively shall be based on the Building Proportion; provided that, if Declarant, in its sole <br />discretion, determines that allocation of the Common Parking Areas Expenses on the basis of <br />the Building Proportion is inequitable or will not fully reimburse Declarant for all common <br />Common Parking Areas Expenses, then Declarant, in its sole discretion, shall calculate each <br />Owner's share of the Common Parking Areas Expenses based on a formula or other process of <br />allocation that Declarant determines to be more equitable or appropriate. <br />-15- <br />