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M Each Owner's share of the Common Irrigation Expenses presumptively <br />shall be based on the proportion of: (A) the aggregate acreage of the Parcels owned by that <br />Owner; compared to (B) the aggregate acreage of all Parcels in the Project (the "Acreage <br />Proportion "); provided that, if Declarant determines in its sole discretion that allocation of the <br />Common Irrigation Expenses on the basis of the Acreage Proportion is inequitable or will not <br />fully reimburse Declarant for all Common Irrigation Expenses, then Declarant, in its sole <br />discretion, shall calculate each Owner's share of the Common Irrigation Expenses based on a <br />formula or other process of allocation that Declarant determines to be more equitable or <br />appropriate, taking into account the proportionate use of the Common Portions of the Irrigation <br />Systems that Declarant determines to be allocable to each Parcel. <br />(d) Maintenance by Owners of Utility and Irrigation Systems. Each Owner shall: <br />(i) maintain and repair the portions of the Utility Systems that are located entirely on, and that serve <br />exclusively, that Owner's Parcel, or that are located entirely on, and serve exclusively, two or more <br />adjacent Parcels that are owned either by that Owner or by that Owner and another affiliated Owner, so <br />that such portions of the Utility Systems provide adequate service to all Tenants of, and Visitors to, all <br />buildings on that Owner's Improved Parcel(s); and (ii) replace, in whole or in part, such portions of the <br />Utility Systems when replacement is necessary to satisfy the obligations of the Owner under this <br />Declaration. Notwithstanding any covenant, condition, term, or provision to the contrary in this <br />Subsection or in Subsection 2(c) of this Article II, to the extent that any Utility Provider or Municipality <br />maintains and repairs the Utility Systems or bears the expense of maintaining and repairing the Utility <br />Systems, no provision of this Declaration shall obligate Declarant or the Owners to maintain and repair <br />the Utility Systems or to bear the expense of maintaining or repairing the Utility Systems. Each Owner <br />also shall: (i) provide its Parcel with adequate irrigation to maintain the landscaping on the Parcel in a <br />healthy and attractive state; and (ii) maintain and repair the portions of the Irrigation System that are <br />located entirely on and exclusively serving the Owner's Parcel or located entirely on and exclusively <br />serving two or more adjacent Parcels that are owned either by that Owner or by that Owner and <br />another affiliated Owner. <br />(e) Installation of Utility Meters. Each Owner shall install and maintain in proper <br />working order (or cause to be installed and maintained in proper working order) meters or other similar <br />devices that measure the volume or amount of water, natural gas, and electricity that is consumed on or <br />from the Owner's Parcel(s). Upon request by Declarant, each Owner shall install and maintain (or cause <br />to be installed and maintained): (i) meters or other similar devices that measure the volumetric outflow <br />from the Owner's Parcel(s) into the sanitary sewer system that serves the Parcel(s); and (ii) devices to <br />measure or reasonably estimate the volumetric amount of surface drainage from the Owner's Parcel <br />into the common portions of the Drainage System. The obligations of the Owners that are set forth in <br />this Subsection and in Subsections 2(c) and 2(d) of this Article II are in addition to each Owner's sole <br />responsibility to: (i) obtain all necessary approvals and permits, and pay any and all charges and fees, <br />for the connection of that Owner's Parcel(s) and the buildings on such Parcel(s) to utility services and /or <br />the Utility Systems; and (ii) pay all charges and fees for usage or consumption of any utility services on <br />or from that Owner's Parcel(s) and the buildings on such Parcels. <br />(f) Maintenance of Common Drainage Systems. <br />(i) Declarant shall maintain and repair all portions of the Drainage System <br />that are not: (A) located entirely on, and serving exclusively, one Parcel; or (B) located entirely <br />-13- <br />