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CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />NOTES TO GENERAL-PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />(Continued) <br />All proprietary funds and pension trust funds are accounted far on a flow of economic resources <br />measurement focus. With this measurement focus, all assets and all liabilities associated with <br />the operation of these funds are included in the balance sheet. Fund equity ~i.e., net tots! <br />assets} is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary <br />fund-type operating statements present increases ~i.e., revenues} and decreases ~i.e., <br />expenses} in net total assets. <br />The modified accrual basis of accounting is used by all governmenta! fund types, expendable <br />trust funds and agency funds. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are <br />recognized when susceptible to accrual ~i.e., when they become both measurable and availa- <br />ble}. "Measurable" means the amount of the transaction can be determined and "available" <br />means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used tv pay liabilities <br />of the current period. The government considers property taxes as available if they are collected <br />within sixty days after year end. A sixty to ninety day availability period is used for revenue rec- <br />ognitionfor all other governmental fund revenues. Expenditures are recorded when the related <br />fund liability is incurred. Principal and interest on genera! long-term debt are recorded as fund <br />liabilities when due or when amounts have been accumulated in the debt service fund for pay- <br />ments to be made early in the following year. <br />Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes, licenses and permits, interest reve- <br />nueand charges for services. Fines, permits, and parking meter revenues are not susceptible <br />to accrual because generally they are not measurable until received in cash. <br />The City reports deferred revenue on its combined balance sheet. Deferred revenues arise <br />when a potential revenue does not meet both the "measurable" and "available" criteria for rec- <br />ognition in the current period. Deferred revenues also arise when resources are received by the <br />government before it has a legal claim to them, as when grant monies are received prior to the <br />incurrence of qualifying expenditures. In subsequent periods, when both revenue recognition <br />criteria are met or when the government has a legal claim to the resources, the liability far defer- <br />red revenue is removed from the combined balance sheet and revenue is recognized. <br />The accrual basis of accounting is utilized by proprietary fund types and pension trust funds. <br />Under this method, revenues, including contributions received by pension trust funds, are <br />recorded when earned and expenses, including benefits and refunds paid by pension trust <br />funds, are recorded at the time the liabilities are incurred. <br />The City has elected, under GASB Statement No. 20, not to apply statements issued by the <br />Financial Accounting Standards Board after November 30,1989. New GASB pronouncements <br />on accounting and f nancial reporting for proprietary activities will be followed. <br />In December 1998 and in Aprii 2000, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board GASB} <br />issued Statement No. 33, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions, <br />and Statement No. 36, Recipient Reporting for Certain Shared Nvnexchange Revenues -and <br />amendment of GASB Statemen# No. 33, respectively. These statements establish accounting <br />and financial reporting standards for nonexchange transactions involving financial or capital <br />resources for example, most taxes, grants, and private donations}. The City has adopted these <br />statements for its fiscal year ended December 31, 2001 financial statements as discussed in <br />Note 11. <br />]6 <br />