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Portage Prairie Planned Unit Development <br />February 9, 2005 <br />(4) Construction Standards for Sidewalks and Trails. <br />(a) Sidewalks shall be constructed in compliance with the standards of <br />the City of South Bend. <br />(b) Trails may be constructed of concrete, asphalt or other material <br />approved by the Area Plan Commission and installed in compliance <br />with the requirements specified by the Area Plan Commission. <br />(c) When a portion of the Overall Trail System coincides with the <br />location of a sidewalk, the construction standards approved by the <br />Area Plan Commission for trails shall apply. <br />(d) Under circumstances considered appropriate by the Area Plan <br />Commission or when approved for use as part of a Secondary <br />Approval, an alternative trail maybe proposed in lieu of sidewalks. <br />Trails may be located in easements reserved for such use outside of <br />the street right-of-way. <br />10. Administration. <br />a. Parcel by Parcel Determination of Permitted Uses and Development Standards. <br />(1) General - A series of permitted use groupings are identified for each of the <br />four (4) quadrants of Portage Prairie. Some of those permitted use <br />groupings identify more than one set of applicable development standards. <br />At the time of filing for Secondary Approval for an individual parcel, as <br />required by Section 21-OS (c) (5) of the South Bend Zoning Ordinance, the <br />applicant shall specify the permitted use grouping to be utilized for a given <br />site and shall specify the applicable set of development standards. <br />(2) Similar and Comparable Uses - It is recognized that the permitted use <br />provisions of this Preliminary Plan may require interpretation to assign all <br />permitted land uses to the appropriate Areas. Therefore, any land use which <br />is not specifically set forth in this Preliminary Plan shall be reviewed by the <br />Executive Director for consistency with the intent set forth for each Area <br />(i.e., A, B, C or D) and for compatibility with land use characteristics typical <br />of land uses permitted within those Areas. The Executive Director shall <br />then determine if the proposed use is appropriate for the Area in question. <br />(3) Uses Not Specified -Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4., c., <br />above, for the Opportunity Site within Area D to the contrary, if it is <br />determined by the Executive Director that a particular use is not permitted in <br />any Area provided for in this Preliminary Plan, then such use shall be <br />deemed to require a rezoning to an appropriate zoning classification. <br />7 <br />INIMAN2 902256v5 <br />