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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting —January 5, 2001 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />q. continued... <br />The Commission asked whether the City had <br />the funds to do the work requested. Mr. <br />Mariani responded that the Division budget <br />included $12,000 for such costs. <br />Ms. Green noted that the Blacks had <br />submitted a proposal on their own form. <br />The City would prefer that the proposal be <br />on the City's standard form, so will ask the <br />Blacks to resubmit it. <br />Mr. Zeiger noted that Historic Landmarks <br />Foundation is providing a loan for the rehab <br />costs. <br />Mr. Caldwell commented that the Blacks <br />have done a lot of good work in the <br />community saving a number of homes from <br />Code Enforcement demolition. He <br />recommended accepting the proposal. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Caldwell, seconded <br />by Mr. Faccenda and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission approved the sale of 701 <br />Pennsylvania to Don and Vicki Black for $1. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. Rock reported on the progress during 2000 <br />for all the development areas. <br />Airport Economic Development Area <br />► Over $58 million in private investment <br />► 332 new jobs created <br />► 1,433 jobs retained <br />► Over 1.3 million sq ft in new buildings and <br />building additions <br />► Completed the wetlands area in the <br />corporate park <br />-11- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE SALE OF 701 <br />PENNSYLVANIA TO DON AND VICKI BLACK <br />FOR $1 <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />