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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting —May 18, 2001 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />c. continued... <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded by Mr. <br />Caldwell and unanimously carried, the Commission <br />approved the Loan and Grant in accordance with the <br />Affordable Loan Program for property located at <br />1262 Woodward (Tiree Crawford) <br />g. Commission approval requested for Loan and <br />Grant in accordance with the Affordable Loan <br />Program for property located at 729 E. Dubail. <br />(Betty M. Davis) <br />Mr. Inks noted that the loan is $9,195.00. The grant <br />is $4,515.50. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded by Mr. <br />Caldwell and unanimously carried, the Commission <br />ASK approved the Loan and Grant in accordance with the <br />Affordable Loan Program for property located at 729 <br />E. Dubail. (Betty M. Davis) <br />C; <br />h. Commission approval requested for Certificate of <br />Waiver for property located at 1711 South St. <br />Joseph Street (Housing Development <br />Corporation) <br />Mr. Inks explained that under the terms of the Rental <br />Rehab Program 10% of the loan is forgiven each <br />year if certain conditions are met. The Housing <br />Development Corporation has met those conditions <br />for the year ending March 1, 2000. This Certificate <br />of Waiver forgives the final $1,500.00 of the loan. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded by Mr. <br />Caldwell and unanimously carried, the Commission <br />approved the Certificate of Waiver for property <br />located at 1711 South St. Joseph Street (Housing <br />Development Corporation) <br />0 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE LOAN AND GRANT <br />IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AFFORDABLE LOAN <br />PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1262 <br />WOODWARD (TIREE CRAWFORD) <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE LOAN AND GRANT <br />IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AFFORDABLE LOAN <br />PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 729E. <br />DUBAIL. (BETTY M. DAVIS) <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CERTIFICATE OF <br />WAIVER FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1711 <br />SOUTH ST. JOSEPH STREET (HOUSING <br />DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) <br />