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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting— December 7, 2001 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. Housing (Continued...) <br />(5) Commission approval requested for <br />Satisfaction of Obligations and Release of <br />Mortgage for property located at 826 N. <br />Diamond Avenue. (Alfonso Cardenas) <br />C. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(1) Commission approval requested for the <br />Temporary Extension of Lease Assignment in <br />the South Bend Central Development Area. <br />(117 E. Wayne Street, currently Catering by <br />Billies) <br />Staff submitted a report to the Commission and <br />explained that on October 22, 2001 a letter was <br />sent by the Legal Department, in the name of the <br />Commission, notifying Billie's Catering that the <br />Commission would not renew or extend the <br />lease, and, therefore, the lease would expire on <br />November 30, 2001. <br />Staff informed the Commission that on <br />November 27, 2001 Dawn Kendall, the current <br />owner of Billie's Catering, submitted a request <br />for an extension of her lease. Ms. Kendall based <br />her request on a recent increase in business from <br />the deli as well as catering bookings. This came <br />about largely as a result of Wayne Street being <br />reopened. In particular, she noted that she has <br />23 catering jobs booked for December. Billie's <br />Catering was five months behind in rent <br />payments (not including what would come due <br />for the month of December). <br />Staff further explained that on November 30, <br />2001 Redevelopment staff including Mr. <br />Williams, Mr. Mathia, Ms. Greene, and <br />representatives from CB Richard Ellis, Mr. Brad <br />Toothacker and Ms. Diane Mayfield, met with <br />10 <br />