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Redevelopment Commission Meeting <br />Regular Meeting — August 20, 2004 <br />DTSB and recused himself from any vote. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Hunt, seconded by <br />Mr. Faccenda and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission authorized use of the property at <br />Hill and Colfax Streets by Downtown South <br />Bend, Inc. on September 9, 2004 for the Art <br />Beat event, contingent upon providing proof <br />of the Commissions indemnification. Mr. <br />Kahn abstained <br />(3) Commission approval requested for <br />Agreement between the South Bend <br />Community School Corporation and the <br />South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />related to the School Administration <br />Relocation Project. <br />Ms. Greene noted that after many months of <br />discussion the parties have come to <br />agreement on the issues related to this <br />project. The overall project will relocate the <br />South Bend School Corporation from the <br />School Corporation's current administrative <br />offices at 635 S. Main Street to the Century <br />Building located on the corner of 215 S. St. <br />Joseph Street. Century Building is currently <br />owned by United Realty Companies and has <br />been subject to a bankruptcy proceeding, <br />primarily due to outstanding back taxes. <br />The Commission will facilitate the South <br />Bend School Corporation Relocation Project <br />by helping to assemble the site. This will <br />involve, in part, taking temporary ownership <br />of the Century Building in order to petition <br />for a waiver of taxes through the Indiana <br />Board of Tax Review pursuant to 1. C. 6-1.1 - <br />36-7(a). The Commission and the School <br />Corporation would be the primary recipients <br />of the taxes sought to be waived. <br />Ms. Greene noted that there are two <br />6 <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED THE USE OF THE <br />PROPERTY AT HILL AND COLFAX STREETS BY <br />DOWNTOWN SOUTH BEND, INC. ON SEPTEMBER <br />9 FOR THE ART BEAT EVENT, CONTINGENT UPON <br />PROVIDING PROOF OF THE COMMISSIONS <br />INDEMNIFICATION AND A REVISION TO THE <br />CERTIFICAT E OF INSURANCE NAMING THE <br />COMMISSION AS AN ADDITIONAL CO- INSURED. <br />