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o~~tl~ ~Be~~d I~ede~elopme~~t ~a~~~n~isiar~ <br />l.eE~Zar ~Ieet~~~~ -ove~~~ber ~ (~, ~a07 <br />fi. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />~t~e~- <br />~~ ea~~~~~~~~~ <br />i~1 the list i~~ I~.eait~tiou ~Co~ ~~. ~~ <br />I~ece~nber 7, ~ u~iii bald a~~e p~~biic ~~ea~-i~~~ <br />Peaple will be able to spear far or a~ai~~st <br />each i~~divid~~al rl~~I~~ area allocatio~~. <br />fir. I~~ks ~~ated that tl~e a.~o~~~at ire all ro~~~~~I <br />~~r~lnhers. Whey ~~va~~'t actually be ro~~~~d <br />~7t11`]~b~r5 ~t7 tl~e ~1~~a~ resal~~t~a~~s. ~`he <br />~~l~ll7~.~7e~' ~~~'~' ~s~;11`~~at~C~ So~~~e~~rl~at I~rl~ <br />beca~~sc a~~cc tbcy a~-e d~ex't~sed~ you aan~~at <br />apprapria~e above that atr~a~~~~t ~vltha~~t ai~~ <br />back t~~~'a~~~h t~~e ap~~ropriatia~~ praees a1~~1 <br />a~7ather p~~bl~c l~ear.i~~. ~Vhe;~~ ~~~ <br />tl~e resolutio~~~ at p~~b~ic heari~~~, tl~e <br />resolutia~~s ~ii~ have the actual r-e~e~~ue a1~~ <br />1~~atch~.~~~ expe~~d.ltL~res for the year. A.~l of tl~e <br />et~~ated r~~~~~~bers ~~ill ca~~~e dovv~~ <br />so~~~e~vllat. <br />Nl~', Z~~l~ alga noted that tl~e ~lu~~~bers are hli~ <br />because eve base x~ot recezved a~~y aftl~e <br />~~~7 property tax clistrib~~tio~. ~ ~vi~~ <br />receive all of that in Dece~r~ber, so vie ~iil <br />effeetzve~y lie app~'apriati~~ ail of ~~~7 pl~~s <br />a~~ of ~~08. <br />ll~r. I~ir~ asl~:ed ~vl~at i~~fa~~~atian, aver than <br />these numbers, is oi~~ to be ~.vailable to <br />~'on~~~~isia~~er~ ar~d tl~e public before tl~e <br />public hearing sa that people could to <br />~~o to ca~~~ment. NIr. I~~k~ respo~~ded t~~at <br />there will be sa~r~e detail provided, ~t ha~~'t <br />bee~~ decided what farm the ir~far~~~atian Dili <br />be provided i~. Staff. i~as already iaa~ed at a <br />three year pla7~ for the da~v~~tav~n. It is in tine <br />p~'oce~ of putt~~~ ta~ether ~ ti~ree year pla~~ <br />~4 <br />