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a~~ti~ ~e~~d ~'o~r~~~~is~io~~ <br />Re~~1ar eet1~~~ -..,Nave~xl~er l ~~, {)~~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS {CONT.} <br />~o the1` <br />~~~ ~Dtl~~~.~~~aao <br />l~-. oc~lca~l~i; C~'~~~~~~at`~ <br />ll~r . ~] itto~~: ~ ~~ ~i~i I~ e ca~~tract. <br />1~~~. ~it~~~e~; ~ a~~~ ~~at i~~voi~ed. i~~ the ~~e <br />cc~~~t~act, ~c~ ~ da~~'t l~na. <br />lr..ox.~c~ a~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ a~t~ra~e the <br />first .~e~~d~~~e~at ~o ~~rcc~~c~~~; i'a~- ~'~'ol'a~~~s <br />ar~d er~ices it~~ o~~ti~ le~~d ~erit~.~e <br />l~a~~~~d~.t~o~~, l~r~c. t'o~~ the 'aC~.d.c~ l~a~~~i~~ <br />C~ra~~t P~orar~~ o.~~. l.~a~~coi~~vay estF fir. <br />l~lal~e ~eco~~~ie~ tl~e ~~~otio~~. Tl~e n~atia~~ <br />carri.e~ an von of f~~~r i~~ favor. lUir. <br />l~eczkosi~i ab~stai~~ed. <br />~~} on~~a~s~on approval re~ueste~ I'or <br />Resolut~o Noo ~9~ setting a p~bl~c <br />hearing vn the apprapriati~n of tai <br />~ncren~~at financing revenues from. <br />vari~~z all~t~a~ areas ~~r the payment of <br />certain abligati~~s and expenses related to <br />their respective allocation areas and ether <br />related n~atters9 <br />:r. i~~s ~ted that this for~~at is dif'fere~~t <br />t~~an in fast yea~~. Typically, ~e do <br />i~~di~v~d~~al ~li~~ aid setti~~g ~~'i~~divid~ial <br />p«blic ~~eari~~s ors TIF alioctio~ area. <br />~~ ~~ e#~fo~~t t~ ~treatr~iine tl~e process <br />a~~ninistrativeya we've co~~~b~~ed tl~.e p~~hl~ <br />i~earz~~ ~~o~ice all i~~to I~eol~tian lea. Z~~~, <br />The itcn~ follai~~ are tl~e act~~al ~l~o~s of a <br />resolu~io~l 1''or each TIC area which ~vill have <br />a~~ac.t~o~~..~i~ of the ~ndzvid~~al <br />resolutions ca~~tain the sa~r~e amounts fo~r~d <br />r~.~~~~l~)[~)}~`~f°~}.~.`.~~1~ rr~q~.rx~~~-:~=~~1~l:1~~~y ~'~t~~~Tl~~~~E))~t._i€~~i~~f'~~ <br />,'~iy`~.~ ~E:tr Y ~1.~~:,,7 ~'Vr~~f I--i ~~~~.~ f I-~E ~?~.".,IV~.~ J~~.'.Elf i l~~.xl-; <br />F~~t.1~~)r~~~~~(}~;, ANC'. ~ao~~ ~~~~-~~ F.~~'~~~.}~~ M:~"~~~:'~ ~~N€~ <br />(~i~,+'IN_~.. ~'~~~:}(iki.~M C}~ L~~IC`C)i...N~~rr~~' ~~5"I' <br />3 <br />