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o~~th e1~d l~e~e~e~~p~~~e~~t ~`o~~~~~~~ss1~~~ <br />Regular ~`~eet~r~ .....Navc~~~ber ~.~, OU7 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS {CONT.) <br />.~o ether <br /> <br />71,~~~ is ~~ot ~~~t~ t~ be touched. That's <br />st~l~ o1~~ to be ~~at's a~a~~ab~e. "hat's trot <br />c17an~~n~. Ali ~'~~~ sa~ri~~ i 1~~ are e <br />.rte t~ci a ~~ i~~~at~z~ t~~at tot~.~ a order ~~ <br />...~7~,~97 is ~~ot oi~~ ~~ apt a ~~~c~~~e <br />de~~elopr~~cl~t ~ra~~ts. <br />~°. ~~tto~~~ ~'~he t~~ta~ ~~~rnber ~~~ there, ~~~~de~~ <br />tl~.c ~~-G~~at ~~~~ ite~~~, i.~ oia~.~ to~~~a~-ds ~~-az~ts, <br />~~~stead ~f ta~~il~~ ~ ~~~o arld subtraet~~. t1~at <br />~`ro7~~ tl~e total that auld h1t t~~e streets, ~~ve'rc <br />ta~.~.~a~ ~ t :~~-~~~ a~~ot~aer fat o ~ ~~~ads. <br />~N~r. ~ec~~~osl~i: ~ th1~~k we're sa~~~~~ tie <br />sar~~c th~r~~. I dust ~vonc~cr ~vhy the 79,~f~ <br />~~~~~~nber ~iat~~er t~~a~~ the ~'8,0~}. <br />1V~r. ~1tt~I1: BeGd~~se that' ~ 1 ~°Io ~~` the tOta~ <br />grant an~ou~~t. <br />fir. 1~I1e~T: :~ c~a~~'t ha~~e the ~u~~~bers ~r7 <br />front ~.f ~~~e, ~o ~ c~~~'t spe~l~ to the ~~~~~~be~. <br />~ o~~~d just sad fr~rr~ ~n~ past that the <br />ad~~~~istrat~ve fee that is paid t~ youth Be~~d <br />Heritage ~s based ~~~ ~ ~~I~ ~~ aetua~ <br />expe~~diture. <br />~A. ~'ee~~~oski: h~c~~ ~ would read as <br />r~ Cibne~: ~ do~~.'t have the ~~u~~~bers, but ~ <br />don't th~nl~ there are tru~~ped ~~~ Fees that are <br />be~~g laid to ot~th e~.d heritage <br />Fo~ndatio~~ for work that ~s trot taking pace. <br />fir. Pecz~ko~ski: ~~, I don't thi~~k that's the <br />~~ <br />