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aut~~ Be~~d edevelap~~~e~~t ~`~~~~x~aisiarz <br />.e~~lar ll~ecti~~ ----Navetber ~ ~, ~Da~ <br />~6 i ^1J 7 T ~~~~~ 1~J~9~ <br /> <br />~~ eo~.t~~~~o~~ <br />sta~'1`ta ad7nl~~ister the progra.~~~s. a at~~er <br />ae~~eies lave asked t~ ta~:e a~~ ghat <br />respo~~.s.ibilit~. ~'~~.c ~Jx~ba~~ ~~ter~rise <br />~ssaciatiatl was seleeted to ad~ni~~lstcr the <br />o~.lth iehi~a~~ fit. ea~•ridor p~•a~•a~~~. <br />fir. ~eef~caws~~i asl~ec~ abo~~t the ~~~/~ <br />ad~~~i~~ist~-atia~ fee. wlay i it tl~~.t ~~~~~. <br />7 , ~b7. is ~~eall~ available, ~~rc arc addi~~ <br />~,9~ adlni~~istration ~'ee to ~~~ake the tata~ <br />laal~ ~~ tl~o~.~h w are warl~l~~~ w1t~~ a b~~d~et <br />a1:~~~~,~7.3, t~ereb~ lvitl ~~t%~ of <br />t1~~~t...w~~~ s~~~~~ld.~~'t it be t~a~ we ~.~•e p~~yi~~~ <br />7, ~ b.75 x~.a~.i~~ ~. total of 7 8, a~. ~.t <br />seems like we'~•e squea~it~ out a1~ extra <br />~ra~~d i~~ ~~ere b~ z~~~at~~. the ~~.z~be~-. ,'s <br />~~at what's really available. that's .really <br />available fa~• ad~~~i~~istratia~~ is 7~,0~~, ~~~t <br />.~r. ~itto~~ said the reasa~~ is to het as ~~7~~ch <br />1na~~ey as pessil~le a~~t o~~ the street i~~ .facade <br />ra.~~ts. ~.t the bei~~ir~ of the dear tl~e <br />Lww steer i~~ con~n~ittee approved setting <br />aside ~~~~1~ey l'~r an ad~ninistratio~~ fee for <br />a~,~tl~ e~~d l~er~tae ~'~u~~datzo ~. tl~e <br />a~no~~nt ol'~,~~~. a, instead of ~a~i~~g that <br />~ 0~1~ o~~t of the grants that wo~~ld aetuall~ o <br />i~~ta tl~e community, we tale it out of that <br />separate f~~~~d t~~at was set aside l~~r ad~~~~~, <br />~~r. ~'ee~~ows~i: 't'hat would be ifwe were <br />s~~btracti~~g the 7t,~~7 from that would give <br />us ~4,~~~ as available. lit what t'm sayi~~g <br />rts ~f ~t were ~S~a4.~ and we toal~: a~~t what <br />was bci~~ reall~r adr~~inistercd, the sa~~e <br />~0 <br />