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a~~th e~ld ~e~tevelo~l~~et~t ~'a}~~~n~ss~an <br />e~~}~~ N~eet~~~~ -~a~e~~~be-r t C~, 2~~7 <br />b. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.} <br />~.~ ~'~~~ ~.hateme~ts <br />~~ ~~~~~~~~e~999 <br />Negglgbo~lioad 13evelapme~it Area. <br />(Thomas F'. Veldtnan} <br />Develo~n~ent 1~~Aea. ~~+. ill~e eear~e~} ~~~~ <br />~~~at~o~~. ~}~e ~7~atia~~ e~~~-~~~ec~ o~~ ~ gate offra~~~ <br />to o~~~ ~t}a ~.~-.:~ec~}~o}~.~ o~~ase. <br />~~-..~.th1a noted t~7at ~.~.~ ~~~ off` a~lt~7 ~e~~C. <br />at~`er tc~,~ c~~7te~~7e~~t O1~ ~~~~~~ ha1~1"]~ ~: ~~~c~.~~' <br />~ae~~ ho~~e ea:~~tx*~~~t~az~ ~~~to ~l~t~~ ~e~n.~.. <br />The city es~ec~~l~ }11~es to c~~tlcc the ~~~p~ca}c <br />.}~I~~es ~a ~~~ L1~1tt"l~~;te~ ~Tl tl~e ~~, ~17~~~~ <br />l~eca~~se of ~}~e }~~}~e~- ~a~e~ t~~cy c~a pay <br />o aut~~ e~~~ `e~~tra~ e~ve~o~ment area <br />~~ ~ Filing of ~esaiuti~n Not Z~o4 appra- <br />prtating mo~~ies for the purpose of <br />defraying the e~~e~es o~ certa~~n }ocai <br />puhiic improvements f'or the ~'iscai dear <br />beginni~ib January 1, 2~48~ and ending <br />Deceher ? ~, ~oi}8, i~~cXndi~ag aii <br />antstanding ciaims ar~d obligations, ~~~in <br />a time when the same shall take effect and <br />setting a ~u~Iic fearing on l~esoiutio <br />No. X404 for 0;0o a.n~., December 7, ~ho'~. <br />~l~"u~ncl 4Z, ~Leight~n detail space and <br />~;ourtyard~ <br />M~. l~cczka~sk~ asl~c~ ~f the ~os~ pate~~tia} <br />~e~~t }zsted zt}~ the ~eso~utxa~ aye o~~~ to <br />he tine sage a}~ Deee~r~her 7 as they are na~v. <br />~", l~~k ~"es~~a~~ded that 1t }s pa~h~e t}~e~ <br />~~~1~ he a~~u~ted. ~`hese are r.ft h~~dets. <br />ta~'~' ~~ }1 be gong over them ore ~r~a~ e t~n~e <br />~~e~'o~e they aye er~t to t}~e p~e~ ~'a~ <br />