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a~zth fiend ~~ede~e~opn~ent ~aI~~I~~i~1~I1 <br />~e~~~lal° etin~ --~1o~en~be~ ~., ~~~~7 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS {CONT.} <br />~. ~~~~:~ ~ba~~n~r~~~ <br />(1) continued... <br />e~~~a~hoo e~~~~~~~n~ ,~~~. <br />~T~o~~~ ~~ ~~1~~.~~ <br />l~r. ~at~~ia aye t~~c staff rcpol~t On t~~c <br />proac~t. ~I`, ~T~~dn~an il~ten.~s to ~~I~Strl~et ~. <br />l~e~~~ ~,8~€~ sq~~al~e faat, ~-stal•~ 1~0~7~e ~~vl~b <br />atta.el~ed ~ar~~e. ~,~~e l~orr~e ~~i i~a~e fo~~r <br />bedz-~}a~~r~, fo~.~~- a~ac~ ane-~~~.~~ bat~:rao~~~, <br />ii~il~ raol~~, cin~~n roam., it~~~cn al~~~ st~~d. <br />~a~~e is cL~rrel7t~~ ~~ strL~etL~re aI7 tl~e 1?I'o1~el't. <br />f~~at ilk be delr~oli~hed. pI•iar to ca~~tr~:~ction. <br />T~~e prig of the ~~a~~e i 45~~,~~~, ~`c~ta <br />tapes to ~~~ abated d~~rin t~~e ~~iveMcar <br />c~bat~n`l~rlt ~`}~rl.od are eStll~lat~~~ ~t <br />~,2C~2.~ ~, Tatar taxes to ~ paid d~~~in t~.~e <br />~ive~~ca~- abaten~el~t ~~el'~od are estil~ated at <br />~8,~~ ~ .45. ~"l~e property ~~ prc~per~y roz~ed <br />~oI- t~~e ~I-opo~ed t~se. Tie p~-opcrty is located <br />iI~ the Nartl~cast Ne~igl~barhoad T~e~elopl~~ent <br />AI•ea., ~1ic~~ ~ a tax inerel~nel~t allocation <br />a.I~caa, a~~raval of tl~e a~atel~.el~t <br />petition by tl~e a~~tl~ Bcl~d Rede~elap~~~el~t <br />'arrl~~~issian is required.. ~'l~e pI`a~ect <br />qual~f~e for ~.~e dears of re~dentzal tai <br />abaten.~er~t ulldr tl~e tax ~.bate~~ent <br />ordil~ance. <br />1V~r. Pec~l~o~~vsk1 questioned wl~et~~er ~'. <br />~~eld~I~Ia really I~eeds an abate~r~el~t l~erl ~~~~ <br />l~an~e Is to be v~artll ~~4,~~0. 1V~r. ~eldl~~an <br />acl~~~o~rleded t~~t l~.e ~s el~~I~ tl~e <br />abatement beca~LSe It IS available. <br />fir. Domes made a Iriotion to appz'ave <br />resolution. No. .3~~~ appro~~n an <br />applicatian far real praperty tax dedr~ctioll <br />for property lDeated at ~ ~ ~ ~. Notre ~Dan~e <br />Avenue irI tl~e Neibborh~ad <br />~~ <br />C~~MMIS~~C}N ~1~'~'f~~)Vli.) ~.Ia,S~)~_.~1T1QN I~~. X35 <br />~11'~'~~C)~1N~~ ~1N ~lI'~'I.1C:~"~'IDI~ ~=()~~ RL:~I1_, <br />~~~zc:}r}~~z~r~ "~~~~c r~~~~~~~~rrro~ ~~~~~ a~~~~}~i~~r~ <br />~..(~~`~4'1'1~:7 n-~' ~ ~~~ N. No'rl~~r D~~~I: VENLJ~ ~N <br />