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South Bend Redevelopment Commissioll <br />Regular Meeting — October 19, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONY.) <br />B. South Berge Central Development Area <br />(8) e nfi*nued... <br />restaurant in downtown. The 1ndireet benefit <br />to LePeeps of some of the other activity that <br />will be happening in the downtown, along <br />with 10 1 N. Michi an as that project is <br />completed, the opening of "rio's. The more <br />of those types of things that occur, the more <br />vibrancy and attraction there is for downtown <br />for people and, hopefully, an indirect benefit <br />for LcPceps as well. <br />Mr. Inks also noted, from business decision <br />standpoint, it's important for us to Jeep the <br />tenants we have In place now. When we <br />lave vacancies, it usually tales three to six <br />months to fill those vacancies. In this ease, <br />given the rent and space, that would amount <br />to 1 L000 to $22,000. Then, there would be <br />new build. -out oasts. 'From a business <br />standpoint staff feels that this lease renewal <br />makes sense. Staff recommends approval. <br />Mr. Peczkowski said, "We have other <br />businesses downtown that are in trouble. It's <br />nice that we're the landlord. "' <br />Mr.: la e commented that Mr. Peczkowskl <br />has said that we are not business friendly. <br />This appears to he pretty business friendly. <br />Upon a. motion by Mr. Blake, seconded by <br />Mr. King and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the terms of Lease <br />Renewal with Le Peep Restaurant in the <br />South Bend Central Development Area. <br />27 <br />COMM ION APPROVED THE TERMS of LEASE <br />E �WA L W ITH LEP EEP RF- T URA T IN THE <br />SO I_JTFI BEND E,NTRA L D EVELO PM ENT AREA <br />