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South Bend Redevelopment Commissioll <br />Regular Meeting — October 1. 9, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CON'S'.) <br />B. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(7) continued... <br />Part A will serve as a guide for property <br />acquisition, demolition, and property reuse or <br />rehabilitation. That part of the proposal has a <br />fee of $49,200. <br />The Covelcski neighborhood project <br />proposes the study, design, and development <br />of a mixed use project in and around the <br />Coveleski neighborhood planning area.: <br />looking at Union Station, the Ivy Tower <br />complcx to the south, Gates Chevy and other <br />properties at the south end of the city; and it <br />proposes some improvements ents to the <br />`ovelesli ballpark. <br />Part B will develop a conceptual master plan <br />for are -upgrade and modification to Coveleski <br />Stadium. our main intcrest is to create a new <br />entrance to the stadium northeast of the <br />ballpark's center field area. Hob's fcc for <br />this portion. of the plan is $30,350. Staff <br />requests approval of both Part A and Tart <br />of the proposal for a total fee not to exceed <br />$85,000. <br />At the Commission's next meeting on <br />November 2 a public hearing is scheduled on <br />Resolution No. 23 85 amending the <br />boundaries of the South Bend Central <br />Development Arca and adding properties to <br />the acquisition list. Some properties we <br />actively grant to acquire, others we want to <br />be involved in. The main chunk of properties <br />relates to the Gates properties. A young man <br />has just purchased the synagogue just north <br />of the ballpark for residential use, but doesn't <br />21 <br />