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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting —June 1.9, 2007 <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(1) continued... <br />improvements to the property, there are real <br />needs there. <br />Some of the other areas of the Vest Side <br />said, "Why are you all so concerned about <br />LaSalle Square? What about us?"' We said, <br />"This is an important first step." It doesn't <br />mean that there aren't other parts of the city <br />that are very valuable and need that kind of <br />revitalization. ation. i hatever resources we have <br />we should use them throughout the West <br />Side. I know there are members of other <br />West Side neighborhood organizations here <br />that may want to add to that. We're very <br />pleased that when the plan is finally coming <br />into development it will look at the West <br />Side in general and see how some of the <br />resources that currently are available from <br />past economic development decisions could <br />be applied to an area of deep e neem to the <br />city as a whole, not just to people who live <br />there. <br />Mr. Iie godsl is A member of Lineolnway <br />West Gateway Association and also a <br />member of Community Forum for Economic <br />Development. As has been stated, we have <br />worked together with stakeholders there in <br />LaSalle Square. We neighbors who have <br />lived in that area for a long time have <br />witnessed the exodus from that area. We <br />have been begging and pleading for some <br />kind of redirection, refocus on the area. We <br />want to thank you for considering this and <br />getting this started. Most of all we do <br />believe that this area., especially the LaSalle <br />1 <br />