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rules, regulations, and ordinances. If Lessee is required by any such laws, rules., regulations, and <br />ordinances to obtain insurance or furnish other documentation of financial responsibility, Lessee <br />shall provide evidence of such insurance or documentation to NSRC prior to occupancy, Any <br />insura ice obtained by Lessee pursuant to this Lease shall be maintained in force for the duration of <br />the Lease and shall provide for notice to NSRC at least 3 0 days prior to cancellation or terrnxnation. <br />ARTICLE Lessee shall not Mnstall any underground tanks or associated underground <br />Piping for the stora e of any product on the Premises ofl NSRC without the express wntten. consent <br />of NSRC C given prior to installation, <br />ARTICLE 10. Lessee shall not dispose o f any wastes of any kind, whether hazardous or riot, <br />on said Premises and lessee shall not conduct any activity on said Premises which may or does <br />reuie a hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility permit from either the federal or <br />state agencies. <br />ARTICLE l 1. Lessee shall fun sh NSRC with a written report detailing all releases, as <br />defined In 10 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act <br />of 1980 Super uid Act), R L. 96-5 10, on or from the Premises whenever such releases are required <br />to be reported to any Federal, State, or local au.tliori y in accordance with any Federal, State, or local <br />laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances, and any regulations issued thereunder including, but not <br />limited to} those laws listed in Exhibit B attached hereto. Such written report shall identify the <br />substance released, the amount nt released, and the measures undertaken to clean up and remove the <br />released material and any contaminated soil or water, and shall further certify that no contamination <br />remains or will remain after the cleanup measures have been completed. Such reports shall be <br />supplemented by providing NSRC with copies of any Witten reports required to be submitted by <br />lessee . to any Governmental agency in accordance with any Federal, State, or local law, rule, <br />regulation, or ordinance, or by the Council on Environmental Quality's National Oil and Hazardous <br />ubstanees Pollution Contingency Plan as it now exists or as it may hereafter be amended. The <br />foregoing reports to NSRC and copies of reports to Gover nental agencies shall be sent to NSRC's <br />Director of Environmental Protection and Emergency Response, c/o Norfolk Southern Corporation, <br />110 Franklin road, S.E. Roanoke, Virgi 'a 24042 -0022, w'thin fifteen days after notification, <br />whether written or otherwise, is required to be given by Lessee to any such Governmental agency. <br />ARTICLE 12. a If NS RC detects any violation ofA ticIes 8, 9, 10 and 11, including <br />any contamination of the Premlses, NSRC shall so notify lessee of the violation and Ussee shall <br />take immediate steps to eliminate such violation. lessee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold <br />harmless NSRC. its officers, agents and employees, from all liability resulting from violations of <br />Articles 8, 9, 10 and l I of this lease and agrees to reimburse NSRC for all actual costs and expenses <br />incurred by NSRC in eliminating such violations, Mncludin , but not hn itcd to, all costs and expenses <br />to decontaminate the Premises. <br />(b) Lessee agrees that it will reimburse NSRC for and hold harmless NSRC, its <br />officers, agents and employees, from all fines or penalties made or levied against NSRC by any <br />Governmental agen -cy or authority as a result of or in connection with Lessee's use of the Premises or <br />ofthe facil it] es thereon or as a result ofany release of any nature onto the ground or into the grater or <br />