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ARTICLE Lessee will pay unto NSRC as rent the sum of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY <br />AND NOI 100 D 0L ARS o.00 per year, payable am-ually ih advance, b eginning as of the 1" <br />day of February, 2006., vl ch is the effective date hereof. If Lessee shall default in the pay e t of <br />rental hereunder for a period of ' :�O days after the same shall be due, a late payment charge i the <br />amount of t of l % of sueb rent for each month or portion thereof that the sa -me shall re amn unpaid <br />shall be charged to Lessee. Lessee will pay such late payment charge together with rental due <br />hereunder. If NSRC cancels or terminates this Lease for any reason except default ofLessee, NSRC <br />shall refund to Lessee its pre rata portion ofrent paid for the u e pired period, but if NSRC cmeels <br />or ter'minates because of default of Lessee, them NSRC may retain the rent paid for the unexpired <br />period as liquidated damages. <br />ARTICLE 4. Lessee wi II pay to NSRC amounts sufficient to cover all taxes, license fees, or <br />other charges assessed or levied upon or because of the property of or the business conducted by <br />Besse upon said Premises ofNSRC. Lessee will also pay to NSRC amounts sufficient to cover all <br />assessments or charges made a alnst said Premises or against NSRC as owner of said Premises for <br />street or sldewalk paving or other public improvements. At the optio13 of NSRC, Lessee shall pay <br />NSRC for such taxes, license fees, charges and assessments either in lump -sans or in annna <br />installments. <br />ARTICLE Lessee will not construct or install upon said rer ses any h ildln s, <br />structures., or improv =e is unless specifically pernutted hereby or by w.tten consent of NSRC. <br />Ar y bull dings, structures, or improvements erected by Lessee on said Premises, shall he substantially <br />constructed or installed., maintained, and used in such manner aS not to hiterf'ere with the business of <br />NSRC, shall be kept in good repair and presentable condition, shall be located as described herein or <br />otherwise approved in Ming by NSRC, and shall not be relocated upon NSRC Prerru'ses except <br />with the written consent of NSRC. Lessee will be responsible for all snow and ice removal and will <br />keep said Premises in clew and sar tary condition, free of waste,, trash, or unsanitary or flarmnable <br />.matter, and prevent the pasting of adverlising hills or signs upon said Premises, except the usual <br />business sib of Lessee. <br />ARTICL E 6. Lessee shall obtain all permits, certificates, licenses, and authorizations <br />required by any govenimental authority for any =pro ements to or use of the Premises. <br />ARTICLE ,e see shall pay, satisfy, and discharge all claims, judgments or liens for <br />material and/or labor, used or employed by Lessee or its acct in the ccrstructior, repair, <br />maintenance, or removal of any buildings or structures located upon the Premises, whether the <br />buildings or structures shall, under the terms of this Lease, he the property of NSRC or Lessee, and <br />Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless NSRC, C, its officers, agents and employees, from all such <br />clip , judgments, liens, or demands whatsoever. <br />ARTICLE In its use and occupancy of the Premises, Lessee will comply with the <br />requirements of all federal, Mate, and local safety, health, e virmunenta.l, and sanitation laws, rules., <br />regulations, and ordinances., and,, will at its own expense make all corrections, repairs, or additions to <br />said Premises or the facilities thereon which are necessary to ensure compliance with such laws, <br />