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South Bend I edevelopnient Coniniissio <br />ReschedUlcd Re(JUlar Meetin —May s, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />C. South Bench Central Development Area <br />(10) continued... <br />After all is said and done, if we recd to be <br />handheld by these guys, they are quoting an <br />hourly rate of $200/hr. That seems <br />incredIbly excessive. <br />Mr. Schalliol noted that the city has wor e (l <br />with Buxton over several years and has not <br />iiIeurred any additional costs. came in <br />for a fanta. s tic pres ent ation the other day at <br />no east to the city. We have a very good <br />reIatIonship w1 th them. If we nee d add 1 t I o n a I <br />materials, if;we reed additional work, then <br />we'd Probably look at are additional fee <br />tRicture with the m. But at this 0.111c e1)Ve <br />received tre-niendoes value from the initial <br />proposal and ht- en't 111c' rred additional <br />clare. <br />Mr. Schalhol suggested tabling this item ill <br />order to provide Commissioners wAb more <br />in- Formation about how this survey WOUl.d be <br />accomplished and what Buxton's role will <br />be. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. King, seconded by ITEM TABLI.r <br />Mr. Pec l o sl i and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission tabled . toy . 6. , io . <br />(11) Commission approval requested for Lease <br />Renewal with LePeeps Restaurant. <br />(Michigan St. Shops) <br />Mr. Inks noted that staff` recommends a Five- <br />year renewal of lease with LePeeps, <br />restructuring the rents under the lease as well <br />as incorporating some adjustments that have <br />22 <br />