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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -April 5, 2007 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. Tax Abatements <br />() continued... <br />Mr. Peczkowski noted that it's not that the <br />project can't be built, but that the project <br />won't be eligible for abatement. <br />Mr. Peczkowski also stated that I.C. 36-7-14- <br />15.5(i} allows the Commission to change the <br />assessed value in an area, thereby making all <br />the properties in that redevelopment area <br />more palatable for everyone and avoid the <br />issue of an abatement. Why not just say that <br />these are underdeveloped properties and in <br />need of lower taxes? It's under the <br />Commission's purview to do that. <br />Mr. Leone indicated he has not heard of the <br />Commission having the authority to change <br />assessments in that way, but he will take a <br />look at the statute to see if it allows the <br />Commission to make such a change. <br />Mr. King made a motion to adopt Resolution <br />No. 2315 approving an application for real <br />property tax deduction for properties located <br />at 1219 West Colfax Avenue, vacant lots <br />adjacent to 111 and 116 South Walnut Street <br />and a vacant lot adjacent to 1232 West <br />Jefferson Boulevard in the West Washington- <br />Chapin Development Area. (Habitat for <br />Humanity). Mr. Downes seconded the <br />motion. The vote was four in favor to one <br />against, with Mr. Peczkowski opposed. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION N0.2315 <br />APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR REAL <br />PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION FOR PROPERTIES <br />LOCATED AT 1219 WEST COLFAX AVENUE, <br />VACANT LOTS ADJACENT TO 111 AND 116 <br />SOUTH WALNUT STREET AND A VACANT LOT <br />ADJACENT TO 1232 WEST JEFFERSON <br />BOULEVARD IN THE WEST WASHINGTON- <br />CHAPINDEVELOPMENT AREA. (HABITAT FOR <br />HUMANITY. <br />9 <br />