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a~t~~ fiend :~e~c~e~op~nent om~~ission <br />eu~ar ll~eeting -April ~~, 2aa~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS {CONT.) <br />~. Tax A~te~:ets <br />(1} continued... <br />lases its ~vareho~~se and distri~~~tio~~ faciiit~r to <br />store d~a ref~~igerated, ~ f~~a~,e~~ aad to <br />faez~itte tine transfer a~~d de~iver~ of such <br />loads to c~storne~s t~~ror~haut narthe~.l <br />Indiana and saut~lc~~. ici~igan. Land <br />acc~~~isitian casts have been incrl.~.~ed. by tare <br />to facilitate the ~~se of its site ~~~ the ,~i~~aft <br />l~~~d~~st~ raI ~arl~. ~'l~e p~}apod prod ect viii <br />cnab~e t.n to increase the sire of its <br />~a~°ci~o~se and distfib~tian faciiit~, enl~a~~ce <br />aperati~~ efficie~~cies tl~ra~.~l~ ~e~v <br />c;o~.dlfree~er a~rel~ause tec~~~~oia~y, and <br />accon~n~adatc rov~tl~ in its full~line ~'oce~-~ <br />~varebor~se and distrib~~tion b~~ines~ <br />tanz proposes to ~nae a sr~bstantia~ <br />i~~vet~nent in nevv real estate ea~.str~etio~~ <br />aid ~ebabi~itatian at its p~in~ar~ ~rel~a~~se <br />~~r~d distribr~tian f~cilit}~ located o~~ <br />~'on~~nerce Drive. ~'l~e i~~vest~~~e~~ iz~el~~des . <br />~~e caidlfree~e~ areha~~se faeilit~ tataiin <br />4$,~a~ square feet to be ca~~nected to tam's <br />existing facility, at an esti~nated cast of <br />C,~aa,aa~ to 5,80~,aaa. A~~ additional <br />i~vest~~e~~t between 6a0,Da0 and S~a,aa~ <br />v~ould be ~lsed to rehabilitate Stan's existing <br />office and ~arelzouse facility. <br />Total taxes to be abated daring the ten.-~ea~' <br />abatement per~ad are estimated at ~ ~, ~ ~ G,~75 <br />for a pra~ect cast of ~~,~a0,aa~ ar~d <br />1,~8~,9aa for a pray eet cast of $~,~aa,aaa, <br />~v1Cii 1s tl~~ range the can~pa~~~ i7a <br />provided. Total taxes to be paid d~~~in tie <br />ten-~ea~ bate~x~ent period are estin~ated <br />between ~,1~,~~5 and ~,~~S,~~a. <br />5 <br />