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o~~th ~en.d ~.e~e~elopnle~~t arr~~nission <br />~e~~lar 1V~eeti~~~ -April ~a, ~aa~ <br /> <br />~. conti~ue~,.. <br />Nor. Done noted tl~a~ tY~e Can~n~isio~~' az,.~tl~o~•it <br />i~ anl~ its ~`IF ~.rea. <br />,~ows:~ ~es~onde~ that he tbo~~ht tk~e <br />.habitat pro~eet was gin. a ~`~.~` area, <br />ll~r. ~,eane ~ espo~~de~ that whenever ya~~ r~~al~e a <br />cha~~~e to affect ane ar twa prapertie~ ire tine area, it <br />a~'fects e~er~ra~e else i~~ the area. lt'~ a~~e of those <br />tl~in~ tl~at ~~ee to be ana.~~zed to ~~~a~~e s~.~xe ~t <br />n~a~~c sc~~se not o~~ly for pa~~tieu~a~~ pra~Oez~.ies, bt~~ <br />far t~~e athe~° p~°apet~ie~ i~~ tl~e a~4ea. <br />~.r. ~ix~ ~aated th~.t habitat was el~i~~~ .~~ <br />abate~nent o~~ the ~~nprovc~ne~~t~. vacant la~~~ is <br />assessed lot ~.awe~ than i~r~pro~ed land. ~~'~oo set <br />tl~e as~e~se~ value of the vaca~~t Viand to zero, that <br />eli~ninate~ ~ s~nall amou~~t of tai an that property, <br />bLZt tl~e in~~ro~ve~ne~~t re~~lt in a lare~ tai d~~e, <br />Tl1at's what Habitat wants abated far its fan~ilies. <br />we c~~1~'t dower tl~e a~~e~se~ ~al~~atia~~ o~~ the yet <br />~.()-~7~ ~:~Lilt ~14~L~e, and teat's w~~at ~~abitat was <br />ettin the abatement an. <br />6. New ~~NE~ <br />A. T~~ Aa~e.e~~s <br />~~~ ommi~siv~~ ppro~a~ re~ue~te~ for <br />~eso~ution o. 37 appro~v~~ag an <br />~pp~ie~.~io~ for reI property tai ~ed~e~~n~ <br />for property ~ocate~ at ~ ~~0 North <br />o~nmerce Drive in the Airport ~onar~ic <br />~e~eiope~t ,Are. ~~aa~z Food er~iee} <br />,fir. ll~thi.a aye the staff report on the <br />project. tanz Foal service is a full-lire, <br />food service d~st~'~botian b~~ines, Manz, <br /> <br />