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Agreement for Professional Services I Construction Design and Renovation of Voorde Park — South Bend, IN I Page 2 of 7 <br />South Bend Board of Park Commissioners and Lehman & Lehman, Inc. OCopyright 20111 April 8, 2011 (Revised June 7, 2011) <br />• Restroom Building Repairs — In an effort to bring the existing restroom into compliance with current <br />building and ADA codes, interior renovations are required. In addition to the interior improvements, <br />minor exterior repairs such as new soffit, trim, fascia and brick cleaning will be included as part of <br />this project. <br />• Landscape Improvements — Additional trees will be planted to replace those removed as part of the <br />site renovation and to improve and develop shade areas near the playground. <br />• Replace /Upgrade Site Furnishings — Similar to the play equipment, the site furnishings are outdated <br />and in need of replacement. New furnishings will be strategically located to best serve the user and <br />follow designated traffic patterns. <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES: <br />Based on the above understanding of the project scope, the Consultant will provide the following <br />professional services: <br />1) Site Survey: GIS Data has been provided to the Consultant for use during the master plan process. For <br />construction design purposes, a boundary and topographic site survey will be performed, including the <br />eastern most parcel, currently owned by District 11 Little League. The site survey will be used as a base <br />for the park renovation design and construction layout and will include the following: <br />a) Location of existing property lines, right -of -ways and easements <br />b) Utilities from observed evidence, flags and markings placed by utility companies, or as -built plans <br />c) 1 -foot topographic contours <br />d) Spot elevations of existing features and open areas on a 50 -foot grid <br />e) Existing pavements, structures, park amenities, playground borders, etc. <br />f) Vegetation (trees and trunk diameter) <br />g) The topographic survey will include the adjacent streets, up to and including the opposite curb line <br />2) Hoosier Tank Rezoning: Hoosier Tank & Manufacturing, Inc. is located directly west of the park site and is <br />in the process of acquiring approximately two acres of Voorde Pak for a building expansion. At the same <br />time Hoosier Tank is processing the acquisition of acquire park land, the Park Department is processing <br />the acquisition of three acres of property directly east of the park currently controlled by District 11 Little <br />League. Acquisition of this District 11 property by the Park Department will allow for Hoosier Tank to <br />expand while not reducing overall park land area. <br />As part of this project, the Consultant team will prepare and file all rezoning requirements for the <br />transfer of property and will present /participate in all public meetings necessary for the project to move <br />forward. Hoosier Tank shall supply their current site plan and elevation drawings showing the proposed <br />expansion to the Consultant for use in all filings and public meetings. <br />3) Construction Design Services: Prepare a set of construction design plans for bidding and construction <br />implementation. The Consultant will also develop final plans and related specifications based on the <br />Owner's designated budget. The design will incorporate the previously prepared master plan including: <br />