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P.J. Thuringer, a t'ianner on the Arc;a Plan. Staff Hated that the Area Plan. Cam~rsissit~n hold a <br />public hearing on substitute Dili Nd. 92-G~ which req€tested a z€rne cha~~ge fratrl "SFl" Single <br /> to `-MIJ" N4ixed Ilse" on January I7, ~t~06. The Area Plan Cotntrtissian sends this to the <br />Er'auttcil with art unfavorable recon•tntendation, noting. that the rezoning would irttt~de too deep <br />into an established single family residential neighborhaod. ire further mated that one citizen <br />spoke against the request at that: trteeting. <br />.f. ~er~~ard f'eeney of Lang, Feeney & Associates, ltac. with c-ffices located at 7l5 South <br />Michigan in dawntawrt South Bend made the preserttatiot~. l~~ provided art l l-page handout to <br />the ~:o~~t~tnittee which was used for an `Inlon~~atianal Meeting a.nd ~ ~ ~" which was held c~ta <br />February l S, ~(~~~. lie noted that the infarrt~ational a~teeting ~.~.Tas held at ~,dison Ie~liddle Schoai. <br />Cauncil Nfetnher P~rzzelio, Oari J,ittreli and hive ~ 5) residents attetBded. Falloaving that nreeting 4 <br />of the S residents were "okay' with tl~e `C~' Office proposed zo~`€it~tg instead of the ~U. Ise rtotc:~l <br />that the saute once developer built the structures at the southeast cora:~er of Sly 23 and. Edison. <br />They have atteta~pted to integrate tine proposed at`f ce building into the treighbarhaod. i-~e stated <br />that in 203 ho>.tses in that area sold far au average of 83,9t~(l; and it ~0~5 they sold at an <br />average of X5,04(3 to ~f7,0{7[l higher; with a ~§% increase in v€~ltttne of ponies said in 20[lS. i--i.€~ <br />rioted that this is a strong and stable neighborhaod and tl~tey want to tit in.ta it. <br />lrr response to a cltrestion frot~~ ~ auncil i~resident mouse, dlr. 1~eettev noted that the property in. <br />question. is just east of the car wash with that proport~r beiaag up for sake, 1?ut t9~ey are currently <br />considering an offer. <br />d.n respo€~se to a quostion trorn Gcttfztcil l~lerrtber lti.i.rsits, ~Ilr. Feeney stand ghat the office fours <br />would be ~ to ~ pin which shauld not confkict with the residential traffic. The prirrtarv exit <br />would be establishod by the ~~`ity Engineer, and that traffic should not go through tl~e <br />neighborhood. <br />~'rauncil ~,(ictrtbor Pu.zzello :noted that she attend the infortrtational Meeting. At the beginning <br />of that Meeting 3 people sp©k~e against it. By the end of the ~rteeting ~ of the 5 people were <br />"okay" with it. She stated that she would like to hoar cam~nents from tl~te audience this evening <br />before taking a fori~tal position. <br />In response to a question fro-x~ ~auncil l~ernber Dieter, 1Vlr. Thurir€ger stated that the tt-afhe <br />count was 19.040 vehicles. <br />Where was no public input on this Bill <br />Foilawing discussion, ~auncii l~Iet~ber ~hito trtade a rrtatian~ seconded by Council iVlet~ber <br />Dieter drat 2d Substitute f3i11 l~ko. 92-(35 be recd€rtrnertded favorably to Ccttzncil. Tho €otiozt <br />passed. <br />~~bstiitute ik3iikl Noe 93-~i5; Re ueste ~ ~i~a ~'h n e $'ror~~ S~ 1 Sirs le F a~ii to `~' fice <br />fog- the r•a ert 1oca~ec~ ~t 5~5 ~:.~st ~~°el~~ ~~~~ .F`elictws Sty- et ~ ~~22 F ik®vvs Sty°eet: <br />P.J. Thuringer, a Planner ort the Area Dian. Staff, stated that this is being s~;nt to the Ctautrcil from <br />tine Area Plan Coantnission withaut reeot~trtendation <br />Tsuhrk~rtz ?'7, 20(iL Gtt~ns~R a~~.d Annexratioox Cainnu#aee czi'tSxc _C)DC~ Sir~tlz 13en~ Cnmmai~C4~~xncil -!'a2e 2 <>f~3- <br />