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Toning and Anncxat~on Camn~i~ae <br />2iiUG Sout~lz 13~~x1 ~'~om~non C`u~t~x;il <br />The l~ebruary ~~, ~D05 ]neeti~~g of the Zoning a.nd ~.nnexatian Carrtn~littee was called fo order by <br />its Chairperson, Council Ivlernber .Ervin Kl,~spa at ~:0~ p.m. in the Council lnforn~al Meeting <br />~oot~l. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members 1'uzzello, Kraspa, White, Varner, Pfeifer, Kelly, <br />Dieter, l~irsits and louse; Citizen lv9etnfler ,1. 1/dwa.rd Talley, Area flan Executive I3ireetor John <br />Byon~li, Executive Direct®r of the Department of Conzmunit~~ alld Economic I~evelopr~tent <br />Sharon Kendall, Public Works Director Crary ~iilot, Water ~Torlrs Superintendent John Sta~~lca.ti, <br />Bill Schallial, Bernie Feeney, Hobert l~lemeth, Tyler C~ienn, P.:T. Thuringer, Mrs. Kopola, Martha <br />Lewis, Building Carn~~lissianer Don 1~ozo, Jamie Lao of the ~5oa~tl~ ~3c>nc~' ~~~il~urze and Kathlee~~ <br />Cekansl:i-Parrand, Ca>.~l~cil Att®rney. <br />Ca€ancii Member Kuspa Hated that the Ct~mmittee consists of Council Meinhers 1Sirsits, Dieter, <br />W:taite and :~li.mseif Ike then introduced the new citizen member who is now on the Co>~mittee.:l. <br />I~dward Talley. Council ~emher Dieter noted that Mr. Talley proudly resides in the 1st District. <br />Council fvlelr113er Kuspa stated that the Cotxlmittee acts in an advisory capacity, with the <br />Common C'ollncil having the final atathority_ He asl£ed ghat persons wishing to testify before the <br />Committee give their name: and address for tl3e record <br />~~ Substg~nte 1311 ~a 47-05• TexC Amen~ntertt ~a C~ha~tc~- 2>f +~f tlae ~~~ t~u~aici~~rT ~~c <br />Council ~lernl~er K~zspa n.tsted that this proposed ordinance has 17een. subject to discussiat~ far a <br />considerable period of time. 1~~; added that his cover letter t€a the 2d suhstitt~te hill notes that this <br />version. deletes t:he proposed and parking regulations wl~.ich were in the substitute <br />vc~rs~€~n- <br />P.J. Thuringen, a Planner on the Area Plats Staff dated that the new version deletes the <br />controversial items which have been discussed in prier cfl~~n~ittee ~neetir~gs. <br />l'ollowit~g discussion, Council Melxzber White made a motis~n, seconded by Council Me~rll~er <br />Dieter that ?d Substitute Bill 1`wTa. X17-05 be recomn7ended favorably to Council. <br />The Council Attorney noted that if the Council basses this version this eveninf; that it and <br />~'ouncil Member K€zspa's cover lettr:r must %e sent by the C)ffice of the City Cie;;-k to the Area. <br />flan ~'aln~nission for their action. <br />Council Me~nl~er l~.uspa then called far a rnotiora to continue to discuss pa.rki~.~g reglalatiorls anti <br />their enforcement as well as signage regulations; sa that the Area Play Staff anti the City <br />Aclministratican would. continue to work with the Cortncil on thcsse items. ~:auncil Member <br />White made a zn.ation, sicanded by Council Meml~~:r Dieter to that effect. The motion passed. <br />~d ~ulbstitut~ Dili l~ta. 92.-(115: ~e ~~estcd Zani>1} C; an a fi~a~ ~ 1 ~i>n le ~'a~il to `~-' <br />®f~ce fern the ll~.renerty ir~catec~ at X355 Fyte A,vel~~ec <br />1~'chriani 27, 2QOf, Zatun~, and Ai~nasaTion Cc~nvttittee ot~ the 20(1E, soaittt 13ettcl Ccnnta~an Comtcil -{?age i of 3- <br />