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sit€zatio€~ '4vhich ca€€ses paz-t cif the proble~~~. Igo sta.t~c~ that s~.l~ools sl-€ould bo a safe l~av~rz ar~c~ ~o <br />appreciates the strong working relationship with tl~e schoi>l corporat-on. <br />Sherri. Taylar noted that sl€e is an SRS at an interzr€ediate scl7aol. Sloe rlc€ted drat there are "too <br />many kids co€ning to school with a chip on their sl€o€zlcker". Parents are young and da loot te:acl~ <br />discipline at ~4on'l.e. Sk€e sees i.t as a 1~Zatter of negligent. She noted. that too rnarly "kicks arc: being <br />babysat by tv and video gaz~~cs. ~'a® many schools are low being asked tea raise children'". <br />GeorgeMcCr€llough, the prisrcipal of Washington High. Schoal, stated. that riot only is it a <br />car~z~ir€z~it}~ prol~lez~ b€zt it is a ot~ proble~r~. t-~~ stated that tl~e czt}7 is ganng tl~rc~ugl~ a <br />transformation and South Bend is cltal~gir€g. i~1r. McCt€llough stated ±l~zat "tlrcir z~all.zes and <br />€raarals are coming to South 1"3ez7d; the cultazz°e is changing; there are fights at V~ahz~tart arld <br />Walgreen.s; people are killing one: another". [fie stated that people are scrc;ened e~Fhen t:he}~ ca'€~le. <br />to an athletic e~~el~t. They look. at who wants to eor-ne in; and that they have had. problems of <br />scalping tickets. They have zero tolerance for s' activities. Ile stated that "thugs da not have <br />a right to attend a basketball game, it is a privilege". He stated that you cannot fear people ya€s <br />I~lust deal with thezrl. <br />Council Men~bor ®ieter I€oted that he saw l?rirlcip~l Fates escort out l ~-17 ul~zdesiral~le people. <br />Principal McCul[augh stressed that the czzltl.zre of the inner eit}~ is changing. At g and 1 U ply? you <br />will see 8-year olds wandering tlae streets unsupervised. k-lo stated- "there are gangs in our city <br />and that you are f©alingyourselves if v'ou t~link that t3~ey are not here". There are gang sig€~s, <br />gang signs i€s note books, arld tl~€at "if action is €~€ot talcez~ South Bend. wild e11d €zp like Berztorl <br />harbor". Schools az-e changing and. there are 1 ~ and l ~-~-ear olds in school. This will hurt the <br />business cot~aa~:€€.znity and jok}s ~,~ilk b~ [ost. <br />Chief I'autz stated that this is ltot just happenil~g irl South. Bend and that it is not just a public <br />safety iss€ze. l Ie stated. tl~a.t ``too zrlanv sentences az~d probations are l,ecc~ming a joke'`. 1--1e stated <br />that there are ~~roups trying to establish the€~7selves. <br />1'rir-cipal. McCullough stated that when h.e asked. students they tell hire. that there is a safer <br />envirar:ment here they in Chicaga or Benton I-3arbor. <br />l~r. Varner noted that too often the "bad environrnerzt" urith tl~e~.n whorl they cozr€e here. <br />kt is a 17ig problem. and when thel'e is bad. press it gives a bad ilrlpression to all. 1-1e questioned <br />whether ~~~. can walk away today az~d Have a sense that the South Bend Ca€nan.unity Schools are <br />doing all that they can. on a day-ta-day Basis. It that is the case he will talk positively as we <br />cantin~e to meet, to discuss and b~lild €z}ion plans fclr the rest of the basketball seas€~n. <br />Mary Anne: "Nan" Tulchinsk~.~, I~irectc~r of SBC'S Athletics stated that the pre-sale farz~€at ~.~.~ill <br />contin€ze, that 11~ checks will continuo, and. that people will. be turc~ed away it they do nc~t abide <br />by the re.gulatioa~ls. <br />l~.uth ~"Vaz°ren, >~ril~cipal of Clay High School., thanked the Council for calling this meeting so that <br />lines of cor~nl~,unicatior€ would be open. She noted that City Felt problezr€s res€~itcd in the city <br />canceling that annual e~~°el~t. Runnitzg public events is it~l.p€~rtant. Basketball games are p€€bl.ic <br />134,:. ~ .;, <br />Fehrcl.~r~` 1.2(.1[16 1Iealtlz al~cl Pulzlie s,1feS~~ C~~x~alt~ilt+;:. o~ the 2iH)6 Socllh Fiel~~l C~nu>~c~n Cou~~cil - t-`- ' ` 1 - <br />