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Ccauncil Nleb+ur .ps~zzailo added that sloe appreciated the wick response of the school <br />corporation in irnpleanenting a €;~~° ticket procedure. <br />Council I~flerr~ber 1~.uspa stated that he believes that eve are "living in an age of violence". ~=te <br />noted that he was glad that the Cor,tncil F~~°as getting involved1 ruith the school corporation since <br />the concerns having, been l~rerving for tl~e last couplc of years. <br />Council president Rouse stressed that today's f:ocrrs woezld be c~~~ gathereng irrfs~rmatior~ from the <br />variaus disciplines involved so that 4~e s;a€~ coll€~ctively wank together. <br />Council Meanber i7Vhite suggested that the school afficials address the sec~pe oaf the problems, <br />what are the overall challenges, and. hos~r can. the t.®uncil and 9:he c~orrsn~unity wank together with <br />the seho€~l corporation on tlxese concerns. <br />~~illiart~. lVtark Yates, the t?rineipal of Riley Hi.~;h Schaal, Hated that ~rntil tl~e girls l~asl:etball <br />incident there had been. no major probler~ls of this type in the two (2) years that he has been at <br />Riley. lie voiced cor~rcern with regard to Council IVlerriher Kirsits rer~aarks about ~7arking lot <br />security and officials voicing concern. and wished to know at what school that incident occrtrred. <br />l~Jlr. Yates noted that the t~ehaveor ~~thich tao!~; place at tl~e recent girls basketball game was not <br />indicative of what takes place, <br />Dr. Diane C~reaves ~~1~ South Bend. Con~rrrr,rnity Schools noted. that sire has been in South Bend tar <br />sixteen (16j years. She noted that today st~.rdents take to fi€;hting where before it wotirld have <br />bean an argurrrent. Sloe noted that many of those isrvalved do Hat i~-ave aspect for other people. <br />iVlany students str-crggle:, a.nd r~tany of the girls are fighting, In fact they get on lint and have <br />Internet blags against each €~ther. <br />lvlary tonne "hfan" `t'ulchinsky; l~iraetor cif SBCS athletics, noted. that the school. corporation. has <br />a policy in place. Sl~re noted that at the national level there toes the Paceril'iston incident which <br />showed inappropriate behavior. She noted. that urrtortunately incidents kike that spill into the <br />schools. They have been pro-active and have had athletic directors meetings. ID's are reclcrired <br />in order for students to be <tdn-ritted to an athletic event. bats must be rernov~ed when rnen are irr <br />a building. li` a person refuses to abide by their ruli;s, they are asked to leave. 'They have asked <br />all school. adrninistratars to be present at all games, and have asked there to travel to games <br />outside of the city. Slae attended the National Athletic Directors Conventian held last December. <br />Spor-tsrnansllip and inappropriate behavior and were discussed at leng~tl~. She noted that <br />marry schools arc irnpler~renting regulations trat~~ what the South Bend Cornrnr~nity School <br />Carporatian had in place over a year ago. In .lanrrary 2p06 she reef with all principals to revrety <br />the policies. She concluded her remarks by stating that they are working very hard to 17rrve a safe <br />~rr~rrQr7nlen.t. <br />South C3end 1'alice Chief Thomas Fairtr noted that the, Defy recognizes the issues of youth <br />violence anal that there are in place an Explorers l'rogra'i~`r; that the STZO program been <br />expanded to the intermediate schools as a~rell as the high scl,oo~s.; i'roject Safe l~leighborl~ood, <br />etc. They are developing a "good intelligence" in the interest of tnakin€; students accountable. <br />l~-le rated drat oven, it does not matter if a police officer is present, that in some case fet~a~ales <br />will still get involved in violent. acts. He Hated that. often it is the lack of skells to deal with a. <br />J~c~-~ruun ! . 2OOG 11i a3lh at~d Yuj~lic s~letti' Ctm~nZitte~; cy1 the 2E')06 5out3s f3~=nd f:urraa~c~~7 C:nuncil -)'~~~ ~ i'i ~ " <br />