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Council. ]~:e~~ber Dietei-'nade a ~~otion, seconded by Council Nlerriber itelly that Bill No. fs5-5 <br />be reco~ninended unfavorably to Cc~rincii. The ~~aoti€~n passed. <br />l~r. Var~~er noted that there is re-use potential for this bui.l.ding, and ghat he appreciates the <br />residents ].eeping ari span '';:Hind with regard tc~ a possible of ice buffer. This ~r;ay prove to lie an <br />opportua~ity in tl~e future. <br />Council Me'Ir~ber White agreed with fir. Varner and hoped that the petitioner would c;or>sider a <br />less inte~3se use in the future. <br />]Bill Igo. ~5-~~ lltez( ;i~i~- ll$e pest ' <br />C~?uncil l~?Ie~nE~er lCuspa called. for a report from the Area 1'1an staff on 1:3111 No, ~~-OS which is a <br />request to rerc~ne 377, 38~ 1, 5661 ]vlitntz Parkway, 39017, 3919, 392 Crescent Circle and <br />propet~ty east of 5661. i~li~~tz 1'arkwa_y. <br />P.,l. 'l`huri~ger, reported that the Bill. received a l'avorahl.e recotnrnc~datiors from the Area Plan. <br />Co~~~~issio following ~ public hearing held on Decesnl~e~- ?tl, 2(3(15. ~Ie noted that it involves ,7 <br />acres evith two'` f2) t~uildia~gs, tie noted that th€;re were ilo remonstrators. <br />l~iek Witmer of the Department of Co';~~triunity and Econoflnic I3evelop~ent stated that the- 1?il] <br />~~Ttiuld restore the properties' cirigit~ial. zoning classification. <br />]fir. Varner made a t~ic~tion, seconded by Council [i!ietnlaer White that Bil] No. $5-[35 he <br />recorntxiendecl favoral3ly to C ouncil. ^i'he n~otiori passed. <br />>l3ill 110. Sfi-U5 IZe~onE~ lZe taest <br />Council ~ei.~~ber l~uspa called fr?r a ri~pcirt from. the Area 1? staff cin Bill No. X6--05 which i.s a <br />request to rezone the northwest corner of Ironwood and l:reland (a portion of the retention pond}. <br />.~.:1 T'huringer, reported that the Bill received art. favorable recot~i~nendation t~oi~: the Area flan <br />Corninission following a pi.iblic hearing held on I~ece~~iber 20, 2t)t15. I-Ie noted that it involved <br />9,3013 square feet. <br />Bill ~challiol of the t~epartinei~t cif t,ori:at~~~tt~ity and Eton©toic Devel.opn~ent Stated that the <br />rezoning is necessa.t-y for a single-use l~illbi3ard. Ile Waited in response to a question frot~i l~r. <br />Varner that the o~~ners were notified even tl~iciugl~. they are beycind. the 30D' requireirient. <br />Council Member Dieter '!Wade a it~otion, seconded by Dr. Varner that Bill loo. 86-(}5 be, <br />recori~a.-ended favorably to Council. The nZOtion passed. <br />Bill Nci. ~L7-~5 '1'ex1~ Ame~d~ nt tc~ ~,o;r~in riEinat~c~ <br />~"out?ci1 l~en~:k~er Kuspa noted. that the Council. has received a letter from..fohn Byorrii, Executive <br />Director of Area. Plan requesting that :Bill l`Io. ~7-DS be continued. until l~ebruary 27, 2006, in <br />order tcf allotiu additional tinne for the Cotxit.~~ittee to irieet on this Bill. <br />,Ig3=i~a€q 23, 700E3 7~~uuz~ anti l~rn~ex~ttion C'on~ns#1ec=czFthe 2(If.)(i Sotri}~ Fiend Ce~snmon Councl -N~c~c't ol- s- <br />