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Ms. Ann Kolata <br />June 15, 2010 <br />S131061.400.0001 <br />Page 4 <br />laboratory, but will request that the samples be held for potential analysis <br />pending receipt of results for surface soil samples. Should the results of surface <br />soil analyses not warrant the analysis of the subsurface soil samples at certain <br />locations, the laboratory will be directed to discard the samples. Note that <br />laboratory analyses of surface soil samples only would result in a savings of <br />approximately $15,000. <br />Soil Sampling Procedures <br />Soil sampling will be conducted using a direct -push unit. Hull's field representative will screen <br />samples using a photoionization detector (PID). The driller will be required to decontaminate all <br />down -hole equipment between sampling depths using a non- phosphatic detergent (e.g., <br />Liquinox) and rinsing with distilled water. <br />Soil samples will be selected based on Hull's field observations. In general, those samples <br />exhibiting the highest PID readings or other evidence of impact will be selected for chemical <br />analysis. In addition, a second (deeper) soil sample may be selected and submitted to the <br />laboratory to evaluate the vertical extent of contamination. If samples in a given boring exhibit <br />little variation in the degree of apparent contamination, Hull's field representative may <br />preferentially select the surface sample (i.e. 0 to 2 ft. bgs) for analysis. Unused samples will be <br />placed in a Department of Transportation- approved 55- gallon drum. The driller will <br />decommission the borings by filling the boreholes with bentonite chips. <br />Task 3 Report <br />Upon receiving analytical data from the laboratory, Hull will prepare a brief summary report to <br />document field activities and findings of the Phase II evaluation. The report will include the <br />following: <br />a narrative describing the Site, including a summary of work completed; <br />2. a summary of data collection activities and rationale for sampling locations and <br />frequencies; <br />3. a comparison of chemical analytical data to VRP standards; <br />4. a description of the physical and chemical characteristics of the subsurface <br />materials encountered; <br />5. a bibliography of references; <br />6. other supporting information that present data and /or conclusions (e.g., drilling <br />logs, tables, etc.); and <br />recommendations for further activities. <br />Upon completion of the Initial Phase II investigation activities one draft copy of the report will be <br />submitted. Three copies of the final report will be prepared upon approval of the City. <br />Task 4 Preparation of Revised Remediation Work Plan <br />