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Ms. Ann Kolata <br />June 15, 2010 <br />S131061.400.0001 <br />Page 3 <br />Area 15 — This area is located in the north central portion of Building #41A and is the <br />location of former PCB - containing transformers and quench oil pits. Potential COCs <br />include SVOCs and PCBs. Four soil borings are proposed. <br />Area 20 - This area is located in the western portion of the Site to the west of Building <br />#35 in the area of a former loading dock, as well as within the footprint of Building #356. <br />During demolition activities, discolored soils were encountered in this area. Potential <br />COCs include metals. Six soil borings are proposed. <br />Building 46 — When this former building, located in the southwestern -most portion of the <br />Site, was demolished solvents and paint waste were discovered. Although portions of <br />soil and waste were removed from the Site and properly disposed, COCs including <br />SVOCs, VOCs, and metals may remain at the Site. Three soil borings are proposed. <br />Specific Scope of Phase 11 Work <br />Hull proposes to perform the following tasks to address the objectives of the Phase II ESA, as <br />described below: <br />Task 1 Historical Data Review and Compilation; Generation of Phase II ESA Scope <br />of Work and Health & Safety Plan; Project Management <br />Hull has reviewed historical documentation to develop this Scope of Work and clarified certain <br />data with Grauvogel & Associates, the City's contractor charged with oversight of environmental <br />matters during demolition activities at the Site. Hull will also generate a Site - specific Health & <br />Safety Plan that will be followed during implementation of the Phase 11 ESA Scope of Work. <br />This task also includes project management duties including coordination with the laboratory <br />and drilling subcontractors. <br />Task 2 Intrusive Phase II Investigation of Soil <br />The primary elements of the intrusive investigation include: <br />direct -push soil borings to anticipated depths of approximately 4 to 20 ft. below <br />ground surface (bgs); <br />2. analysis of one surface sample and, as applicable, one subsurface soil sample <br />per soil boring - collected using a direct -push drilling rig — and to be tested for: <br />• up to 99 samples collected at 42 soil borings, including quality <br />assurance /quality control (QA/QC) samples, for Resource Conservation and <br />Recovery Act metals using Method SW 846 6010/7000; <br />• up to 48 samples collected at 15 soil borings, including QA/QC samples, for <br />VOCs using Indiana Modified Method 5035; <br />• up to 103 samples collected at 44 soil borings, including QA/QC samples, for <br />SVOCs using Method SW846 8270/8270 SIM; and <br />• up to 46 samples collected at 38 soil borings, including QA/QC samples, for <br />PCBs using Method SW846 8081. <br />Please note that Hull will collect and submit subsurface soil samples to the <br />