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TERMS AND CONDITIONS Of PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />1, Agreement, The Client may authorize Abonmarche to proceed with work <br />either by signing a Professional Services Agreement or by Issuing an <br />acknowledgement confirmation, purchase order, or other communication. <br />Regardless of the meted used, these Terms and Conditions shall be <br />Incorporated by reference and shall prevail as the bask of the Client's <br />Agreement to Abonmarche. Any Client document or communication In <br />addition to or In conflict with theses Terns and Conditions shall be <br />subordinate and subject to these provisions. <br />2. Execution. Abonmarche has the option to render this Agreement null and <br />void, If it Is not executed within thirty (30) days of delivery. <br />3. Client Responsibilities. The Client will provide all criteria and Information <br />concerning the requirements of the Project. <br />4. Performance. The standard of core for services performed by or provided by <br />Abonmarche will be the care and skill ordinarily used by Abonmarche's <br />profession practicing under similar circumstances at the some time and In the <br />some locality. <br />5. Hourly Billing Rates. Unless stipulated otherwise, the Client will compensate <br />Abonmarche at the current hourly bRRng rates, in place when the services <br />are provided by Abonmarche. <br />6. Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable expenses, the actual costs inured <br />directly or Indirectly for the Client's Project, will be charged at Abonmarche's <br />current rates. Examples of In -house reimbursable expenses Include, but are <br />not limited to: mileage, tests and analyses, special equipment services, <br />postage and delivery charges, telephone and telefax charges, copying, <br />printing, and binding charges. Outside reimbursable expenses will be <br />charged on the basis of the actual costs ifines a factor of 1.15. Examples of <br />outside reimbursable expenses Include, but are not limited to: commercial <br />transportation, Subcontractors, meds, lodging, special fees, licenses, permits, <br />and outside technical or professional services. <br />7. Additional Services. Additional services that may be provided pursuant to the <br />Agreement or any subsequent modification of the Agreement will be <br />authorized, when possible, by written amendment signed on behalf of the <br />Client and Abonmarche. Additional services, performed by Abonmarche are <br />subject to all Terms and Conditions and the Client will be responsible for <br />payment. Should the Client, regulatory agency, or any public body or <br />Inspector direct modification or addition to work covered by this Agreement, <br />the cost will be added to the agreed price. Verbal requests for extra work <br />should be made In writing via a change order, but none the less, <br />Abonmarche is entitled to be paid for extra work provided whether it is In <br />writing or not. <br />8. Underground Structures or Buried Utilities. Abonmarche will use public utility <br />location services where available to perform this service. The Client Is <br />responsible for Identification and location of all public and private burled <br />structures on the Client's property and the Project site, such as but not limited <br />to storage tanks and Imes, or gas, water, sewer, electrical, phone, cable, or <br />any.other public or private utilities. Abonmarche will take reasonable care to <br />avoid such structures but wit not be responsible for accidental damage to <br />utilities or structures that were not specifically or clearly located by the Client <br />or for damages or losses claimed by third parties related hereto. <br />9. Ste Access and Security. With the exception of access rights that land <br />surveyors ore afforded by law, the Client WR provide Abonmarche access to <br />the Project site and the Client will be responsible for obtaining any necessary <br />permission from any affected third party property owners for use of their <br />lands. The Client Is solely responsible for site security. <br />10. Subcontractors. Abonmarche may engage Subcontractor(s) on behalf of the <br />talent to perform any portion of the services to be provided by Abonmarche. <br />11. Opinions of Cost. Any opinions of probable construction cost and /or total <br />project cost provided by Abonmarche will be on the bask of experience and <br />judgment, but these are only estimates, Abonmarche does not warrant that <br />bids or ultimate construction or total project costs will not vary from such <br />estimates. <br />12. Ownership of Work Product. Abonmarche will remain the owner of all original <br />drawings, reports, and other materials provided to the Client, whether In hard <br />copy or magnetic media form. The Client Is authorized to use the copies <br />provided by Abonmarche only In connection with the Project. Any other use <br />or reuse by the Client for any purposes whatever will be at the Client's risk <br />and full legal responsibility, without liability to Abonmorche and the Client will <br />defend, Indemnify, and hold Abonmarche harmless from all claims, <br />damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney fees arising out of or <br />resulting there from. <br />13. Electronic Media. Copies of data, reports, drawings, specifications, and other <br />materials furnished by Abonmarche that may be relied upon by the Client <br />are limited to the printed copies (also known as hard copies) that are <br />delivered to the Client pursuant to the services under this Agreement. <br />Computer files of text, data, graphics, or of other types of electronic media <br />are the sole possession of Abonmarche, unless specifically stated otherwise In <br />an amendment to this Agreement. Any electronic media provided under <br />this Agreement to the Client are only for the convenience of the Client. Any <br />conclusions or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will <br />'be at the user's sole risk, <br />14. Bonds and Permits. The Client will be responsible for the adoption of any site <br />access or right of way bonds that may be Initiated on their behalf. At <br />completion of Abonmarche's services, the Client will take responsibility and <br />pay any ongoing bond or permit costs for any bonded or permitted work. <br />15. Third party Invoking. It the Client directs Abonmarche to Invoke other party <br />payers, Abonmarche will do so, but the Client agrees to be ultimately <br />responsible for Abonmarche's compensation unfit the Client provides <br />Abonmarche with the third party's written acceptance of all terms of this <br />Agreement and unfit Abonmarche agrees to the substitution. <br />16. Stop Work. In addition to any other remedies Abonmarche may have, <br />Abonmarche will have the absolute right to cease performance of any bask <br />or odd#Wld services in the event that payment Is not made as provided or <br />otherwise agreed. <br />17. Legal Expenses. t either the Client or Abonmorche makes a claim against <br />the other asking out of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to <br />recover reasonable expenses of litigation, Including reasonable attorney's <br />fees. 0 Abonmarche brings a successful lawsuit against the Client to collect <br />Invoked fees and expenses, the Client agrees to pay Abonmarche <br />reasonable collection expenses. Including attorney tees. <br />18. Arbitration. Any claims, counterclaims, disputes, and other matters in question <br />between the parties arising out of or relating to the Agreement or the breach <br />thereof will be submitted to Arbitration In the City of South Bend, Indiana In <br />accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The <br />award of the Arbitrator will be final and binding on the parties. Judgment <br />upon any award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. <br />19. Indemnity. Abonmarche will defend, Indemnify, and hold the Client harmless <br />from any claim, liability, or defense cost for Injury or loss sustained by any <br />party from exposures caused by Abonmache's negligence or willful <br />misconduct. Client agrees to defend, Indemnity, and hold Abonmarche <br />hamtiess for any claim, liability, or defense cost for Injury or loss sustained by <br />any party from exposures allegedly caused by Abonmarche's performance <br />of services hereunder, except for Injury or loss caused by the negligence or <br />willful misconduct of Abonmarche. <br />20. Consequential Damages. The Client and Abonmarche waive consequential <br />damages for claims, disputes, or other matters in question relating to services <br />provided as a part of this Agreement. Including for example, but not limited <br />to, loss of business. <br />21. Governing Law. This Agreement will be deemed to have been made in St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana and shall govern by and construed in accordance <br />with the taws of the State of Indiana. <br />22. Considerations. The, successors, executors, administrators, and legal <br />representatives of the Client and Abonmarche are hereby bound on to the <br />other with respect to the covenants, Agreements, and obligations of this <br />Agreement; <br />23. Acts of God. Neither the Client nor Abonmorche will have any Ilobility for <br />nonperformance caused In whole or in part by causes beyond <br />Abonmarche's reasonable control. Such causes Include, but are not limited <br />to, Acts of God, ctvR unrest and war, labor unrest and strikes, acts of <br />authorities, and events that could not be reasonably anticipated. <br />24. Termination. Either the talent or Abonmarche may terminate this Agreement <br />by giving ten (10) days written notice to the other party. If Client terminates <br />this Agreement, the Client will pay Abonmarche In full for all work previously <br />authorized an performed prior to the effective date of the termination, plus <br />(at the discretion of Abonmarche) a termination charge to cover finalization <br />of work necessary to bring ongoing work to a logical conclusion. Such <br />charge will not exceed thirty (30) percent of all charges. previously Incurred. <br />Upon receipt of such payment, Abonmarche will return to the Client all <br />documents and Information that are the property of the Client. <br />End of Agreement <br />Reviewed by City of South Bend Legal Department <br />03/08/06 <br />COSB Reviewed 03/08/06 Page 2 of 2 <br />