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�. <br /> 1�2 . <br /> on Saturday, September 14, 1940 r�nd for �fficer Thor.mas to accompany <br /> them; that on the evening of September 14, I940, afficers Zellers <br /> and Thomas met t:4rs. Dick- on P�iain St. , in South� Bend and then drove <br /> to '��lil.liam and Jefferson Sts. , where they met �ffic�rs Arthur �;I. <br /> Campbell, a married man tivith a family and T�Irs . �race Buehler, (nee <br /> Britton), v�ho was tivith Officer Car,lpbell; that the five above men�ion- <br /> ed then drove to Chicago, that there they stopped on 95th Street �nd <br /> had a drink of intoxicating liquor in a tavern, that they then drove <br /> to 35th S�reet and Cottage Grove Ave. , in the� City of Chicago, to a <br /> place �iozvn as "Stiveeny�s Tavern", vJhere they had more drinks of in- <br /> toxica�ing liquor, that they trere there for several hours and durin� <br /> their stay there, an altercation took place during zvhich afficer . <br /> Campbell struck I�irs. Grace Buehler (nee Britton) several times�, that <br /> he lcnocl�ed out ono or more teeth, cut her lip and blacked both eyes, <br /> th�t thereafter O�i'icer Carnpbell and Tr�rs . Buehler left in afficer <br /> Car,-�pbell t s car, that then 0fficers �ellers and Thomas and �Irs. Dick <br /> and another couple vrhom they met in Chicago, visited several,-night <br /> clubs where they all drank intoxicating liquor, that the officers v�ere <br /> in the company of l:irs. Dick un�il about 3:00 •A. t�7. on Septem�er 15, , <br /> 1940, at tivhich time the3� took her �o the home of the couple that �ras <br /> ' v�ith them ��here she sta;�ed all night, that the next mo.rnin� they � '� <br /> called for I�irs. Dick and c�ere with her until about 3:00�. t: �ti. at tivnich ' <br /> time afficer �ur.ray Thomas left and took a train home, that the� I <br /> Officer Zellers and P�Trs. Dick drove to Chicago Heights i7ith some other ; <br /> . people and after stopping there at a tavern, then returned to South Bend. <br /> That C��fficer Zellers was called before the Chief to explain his pa.rt- <br /> icipation in the Chicago episode and to explain nis trip to Chicago, <br /> that he failed to report to the Chief the facts concerning the trip, <br /> particularl� the facts concerning the beating of �Irs. Buehler by <br /> C3fficer Cat:ipbell and tha� Clfficer Thomas stated upori an interviev� �^rith <br /> the Chief that he knetv nothing about the beating of Irirs. Buehler; <br /> _ tivhereas, the Board is of the opinion he kney� all about said beating <br /> and so finds that Officer Thomas has heretofore been suspended by the n <br /> Board for breach of discipline at which time he vlas informed by the <br /> Board that a.n� further breach of discipline or violation of rules <br /> �vould result in his dismissal. That �fficers r�Iurray Thomas and Floyd <br /> Zellers by their conduct have violated rules numbered 4, 12, 13 and 14 <br /> heretofore adopted by this Board for the regulation of the Police De- <br /> partment. Upon the above findings, it is notv moved by rsTr. Driggs, ' <br /> seconded by r�Sr. f�'Villiams and unanimously carried that Officers r�Iurray <br /> Thomas and Floyd Zellers be dismissed from the Police Department of <br /> the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br /> The meeting of the Board then ad�ourned at 1 0 A. P;I. , <br /> Qctober 2, 1940. • <br /> . <br /> . E° : Chairman. <br /> � <br /> C . ' <br /> � <br /> ' I <br /> - � <br /> ,I <br /> � <br />